Does anyone one experience this please as im not sure what more i can do she has been in hosp for iv fluids and iv antibiotics but still no improvement i am syringing fluids at present so she doesnt dehydrate any advice would be great thank you
Hi everyone my daughter is coughing a... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi everyone my daughter is coughing alot with her bronchiectasis everytime she drinks or eats which then puts her off her foods and drinks

Oh fallotsgirl I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's struggles. Do you think the IVs have got rid of the infection. Perhaps you might be best to ring for out of hours advice. I hope your dd will soon be able to take food and fluid without the constant coughing.
Love and hugs to you both.
What a terrible situation your girl is in. I can imagine she doesn't feel like eating when she is so poorly. I agree with cofdrop that perhaps the iv's haven't totally shifted the infection. Think you to ring the out of hours service. Hope she is much better soon. M x
Hi Fallotsgirl hope you don't mind me asking how old is your daughter?
Hi steph57 my daughter is 22
Your daughter must know how important drinking lots is good for her she must drink even if it makes her cough I'm sorry to say I wouldn't be too worried about the eating when I am bad I don't eat I until I feel a bit better then only soup and I find milk roll bread is easier to swallow when poorly sometimes you have to be a tad stern she must drink no fizzy drinks though. Hope this helps. X

Dear Fallotsgirl
So sorry to hear of your daughter's problems; tough on you too to see her suffer. I have bronchiectasis and asthma and also have problems because of coughing when trying to eat or drink. I have found that warm drinks sipped through a straw is easier - for example I dissolve manuka honey in water. As ever, BLF nurses may be your best source of ideas.
Best wishes
Hi I do not know what advice you have had but it does sound like dysphasia where food or fluids are getting into the lungs this will cause infection. You must talk to the medical staff about this. One person that might be really usefull is a speech and language therapist. they will teach your daughter how to breath and eat with out this happening and give some really usefull advice. Your daughter is probably terrified and now associates food and drink with coughing. Have you tried using a straw for drinks ? I terms of food I would suggest a soft diet such as cottage pie keep vegetables small or mashed. fist is also could be good but beware of bones. does she like chocolate perhaps sucking that might help. You must try and keep your daughter sat up straight when she has food or drink as this can help prevent food from getting into the airway. good luck I hope you get some positive action form medics. regards Irene
Hi fallotsgirl so hard for you can she suck ice lollies? keep on trying best make acall for some advice I think, bless her so difficult for you,sometimes you have to be just a little firm so important to get the fluids in. Do hope she improves soon keep in touch. Janexx
Hello fallotsgirl just wondering how your daughter is doing today.Hope that she is managing more fluids today.Takecare now. Janexx
Hi Jane we went back to the gp this morn and she has both lungs infected again put her on coamoxiclav which makes her sick so defo no eatin and drinking now . Its difficult trying to be firm as she has no understanding and no communication she doesnt realise its important to drink she is just refusing everything altho i did manage to syringe sum water down her after her dose of antis . I have been to see speech and lanuage she has had 3 videofluroscopy all said her swallowing is ok and to have a soft diet tried everything . I think next is a gastro peg but very high risk on performing it on my daughter victoria and they wont do it unless extremley neccesary so banging my head against brickwall at mo . Take care Dawn x