Fallen fences there should be two panels behind me the two you can see are next doors!
Fallen fences there should be two panels behind me the two you can see are next doors!
Awwww,he looks so cuddly longlungs. A won't one Lol. xx
Oh my what a beauty,I am absolutely green with envy! He Realy suits his name,doesn't he? Cripes,even if he has you skidding around at times,I'm sure he's worth it! Lol.
The 2 of you,look made for each other! xxx
Hahaha he most certainly does! Good exercise for me especially as PR a no go at the mo,he most defo is worth it,he just loves his little chicken breasts scrumbled and a snuggle round his velvets on his cheeks lol Janexx
What a cutie. xx
Hi there poemsgalore hows you? isnt he just he has bought some extra light and love into our lives just grand . Janexx
Oh you really love each other it is obvious, he is a real cutie you are made for each other.
polly xx
He is beautiful .....are you wearing the hat and scarf your friend made?
Hello knitter he is but of course Iam defo biased haha. Well spotted yes the scarf and hat are what my friend made ,the funny thing is she cant read a pattern but if you show her a picture she is able to some how reproduce it good eh ?then I have my buff which covers my nose and mouth all matches in quite nicely together,must ask if she does gloves. See you soon Janexx
Loved this long lungs. We do love our pets. We have Ace next door, a smart black spaniel, and son-in-law, dogminds Alfie, a working spaniel. But a loving cat in this house. She is in for a shock soon, a 2 hour journey up the M25 which wont make her happy. I have heard sedation ??
Hello pergola you are right we certainly do love our pets.I also have a cat called kitkat he is not sure about the puppy at the mo bit of jealousy but the cat has my undivided attention upstairs afterall the cat adopted me just arrived one late evening 2years ago ihad just lost my other cat and my beloved dog died aweek after the new cat arrived all very strange and spooky,as the young cat had been very well looked after although I asked around and put notices up and rung a few local vets and charities he was never claimed.If I have any funny turns he will come to me which actually has a great calming effect on me. Im sure the vets will be able to help with something for you kitty. Janexx
Jane he's gorgeous, am so jealous! Libby x
Well he looks a right bad 'un, I'll have to take him off your hands. Viscous - it's so obvious. Definitely need to remove him to my care immediately. All for your own good, of course. Only thinking of you. Really. xxx (Want!)
Lol hahaha how funny he is a naughty boy,and his needle sharp baby teeth can hurt! Like a toddler doesnt know when to stop.We are off into hiding so you cant find us haha. Janexx
The private defective says you can run but you can't hide. I told him he was incorrect; you can hide but you can't run LOL xxx
So sweet longlungs. What a lovely picture of the two of you together. Cute or what!xxxx
I want a cuddle from Bailey, he's beautiful. Sadie xx
Ahhh Im sure he'd like a cuddle to Sadie thank-you.How are you havnt seen you for a while are you ok? Janexx
Have been a bit up and down Jane, but am ok thanks for asking. xxx
Sorry to hear that sadie,this is what my friend said to me when isaid something similar cheered me up." is it lung probs,mental probs or going mental about the lungs or something and nothing wishey washy feelings and then the time of year,are you bowels in good working order,more oranges and water needed.Or painful joints,lay down and imagine your inthe best of places relaxing and smiling and feeling no pain in toes ,legs,bum,tum,chest armiesand hands imagine someone massageing warm healing oils gentle up your shoulders and neck finishingwith a gentle head massage.Mmmmmm well i feel good now hows you feeling ?" I do hope you are well (((sadie))) Janexx
I am going to try the imaginary massage....sounds good....you got a good friend there too!
Aww! He's cute Jane. X
Thanks Mavis he is an absolute delight I have to say.Hows you doing? and hows hubby doing im assuming still in the hospital have they any clues to those Vinnie Jones moments that he has been having?Look after yourself Mavis. Janexx
Hi Jane I'm ok. It's the other one. They have changed their way of thinking. They are now saying his brain may not be getting enough oxygen due to the IPF progressing. They have done a scan of his chest to eliminate blood clots. That was done this afternoon. The Respiratory nurse came down as she works in the same Hospital.she thinks as I do. Three months ago he had a scan and it hadn't changed much since the previous one he had nine months before. It has to have escalated quite a bit to be that bad. Let's hope they are wrong. I may know more tomorrow. Otherwise he is going to be sent home with a management plan. I'm just afraid it will happen when he is on his feet and he will crack his head open. Anyway enough of my troubles are you ok? Mavis. X
Hi Mavis I guess best to wait till all results are through and then to organise a plan of action as to how and what's to be done for him and yourself at this next phase? Oh blimey Mavis so much to think of for you I was just visualising poor hubby now wearing a crash helmet bless his heart,joking aside you can get medical protective head wear.How has he said he is feeling at the mo Mavis how's his appetite.Try and catch up on some missed sleep and build your strength . I'm very well just the blood pressure thing,but that will get sorted for sure.Keeping everything crossed for an acceptable working plan tomorrow that helps hubby. (((Mavis&hubby))) With love Janexx
Hi Jane. He is eating well now after taking the steroids. You made me smile when you said about the crash helmet. He's feeling quite well in fact since he had the scary one a week ago Saturday he has been better in himself. He had a job to walk anywhere without struggling to breathe. Now he can walk to the loo easy. This is why I wonder if he has another blood clot in his lungs. This is what I'm hoping they find in the scan. At least they can treat that with Warfarin. The Dr told me today that it wouldn't show up in an X-Ray. So what's the point of doing it apart from wasting resources. It's when he gets back in his chair that he passes out or on the bed. Good job it has been. The trouble is the next one he could do a lot of damage to himself. I suffer with high blood pressure. I hate to think what it is now. I'm supposed to see my Dr the end of this month or the beginning of next one. I can't see myself getting there. I'm not going to be able to leave my Husband. Thanks for posting. Mavis. X
Woof to the both of you sweeties! I hope you'll be able to get the fence set up again soon. Would Bailey be safe without the fence? Look after yourself, keep hugging
Haha Helingmic you do make me smile.Yes I do have to watch the little fella as down a little further there is more down and that leads to the foxes and master Bailey hasn't finished his jabs yet so Iam a little careful with him at the mo. Yes just need a few more pennies and a couple of dry days for the setting of concrete for the posts .Are you keeping well Helingmic? :). Janexx
Yes, thank you very much. I am on drugs indefinitely! No they are not cannabis and marijuana!!! Just Rifampicin to fight TB and Clarithromycin to fight pneumonia. so far, both have subsided, but the eradication takes about 2 and half years. But I'm able to go to the gym to maintain myself!
That takes a while to eradicate Helingmic,how good are you at the gym good for you .Meds are the Bain of our lives I hate the damn things ,needs must and all that I guess.You are sounding in fine fettle given you've just rid yourself of pneumonia ,did you contract TB in recent times I know we have it back again here?i understand one of the strains is quite resilient to ABs? Haha glad to hear your not secretly tooting on the Ganga my friend not that I would think Badly about that ,had it myself in the past and in brownies with my friend who has cancer her consultant recommended it for her,it was great to see her relax and laugh and to eat something,she was quite a large lady and has lost 14 st in 6 mths ,her friend is baking non stop to try and encourage her appetite,she can't have fat and is diabetic life ain't fair for some at times.Keep healthy and keep smiling . Janexx
The first time I was diagnosed TB, it was "the presence of TB" , a bug known as Mycobacterium Avium Intracellulare. It took two and half years to eradicate it. My consultant told me in August that I should stop the drug as he wanted to see how far I could go. In September, I started feeling bad. I took some sample of sputum to be analysed, but I didn't wait for the result to go to hospital where they saw pneumonia. But after coming out of hospital, I saw my consultant. I told him I was sweating at night time and said I checked on Patient.co.uk where they said that TB was the likely cause. He then checked my sputum sample results and found that I had a new M.A.I called Gordonae he had never heard before. I went back on the 2 ABs for TB and pneumonia. Fortunately, this was only a presence of the germ of Tb and not a full development. But that's why I have to take the drugs everyday. This time, the consultant said he was not taking any more chance, this is for life ( on this earth at least )
with the drugs, I feel fine. But I want my confidence, The gym gives that to me, as I feel happier and fitter (even if my muscles feel like bananas! )