Hi everyone hope you all had a lovely christmas and new year
Hi everyone: Hi everyone hope you all... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi everyone

Hi pamela67, you've not been about for a while, welcome back, Christmas and New Year not the best I've ever experienced but I am hoping things will improve with each passing day of 2014
Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Hi blakeyc sorry to hear you have not had the bestest of Christmases I to hope things improve for you for 2014 xx I haven't managed to get on the sight as ive been getting very confused for a while mow but more so over the last month are more thimk its more to do with my medication being increased I have so missed this sight and you lovely people while my daughter was here today I got her to set me back up on this site xxx oh iam still ciggy free as well but still use the inhalator evrry now and then best wishes pam xxx
Hope things improve for you soon with the meds. Glad you are still ciggy free x
Hi pamela57, I was only wondering today how you were as you have not posted for some time.
Hope your Christmas and new year celebrations went well
Best wishes
Hi Pamela nice to see you back here. Christmas and New year was good, hope it was for you.
polly xx
Hi Pamela67, hope all is well with you. We had a lovely time thanks. Take care. xxx
Hiya Pamela, nice to see you posting again. Bummer on the blurry Christmas though. Still that's the bad thing out of the way to make a path for the good stuff, eh? xx
Hi scrobbitty hope your Christmas went well looking forward to 2014 hopefully a few changes a head all the best pam xx
Hello Pam, welcome back.Was wondering where you were, sorry to hear you've had a tough time of it.
I had a poor few weeks but hopefully on the mend now.
A very happy & healthy 2014 to you too
Had a fab time so very lucky! Sorry yours was a blur hope the new year brings you much happiness. Glad to see you are back! Take care TAD xx
Hi Pamela67, I do not get on here as much as I would like, but I did notice your absence. I was not very well over the festivities, but had a nice quiet time. Sorry yours was not too good. All the best for 2014, and hope to see more of you. Cheryl