Hi all another newbie, My name is Lynne i am 57 and very lucky to have a great and supportive partner and daughter aged 20 [who still lives at home] I have copd + asthma, and find daily life hard, on numerous meds plus own nebuliser, it has been a comfort finding this site, to see i'm not alone. xxx
Hi Everyone: Hi all another newbie, My... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi Everyone
Hello and welcome, hope you find the site useful I have a daughter 20yrs also. Val
Thanks Val x
Hello Lynne, you have joined a good site - welcome. I am lucky that I have a very supportive and wonderful husband, my daughters have their own families now but we see them regularly, but I do miss them when they go back home after a weekend with us. Life is hard and difficult, but on this site I have realized there are many worse off than me, it seems that exercise, good attitude, good diet, family support, taking medication as prescribed - and all the tips and advice from this site! - are essential in keeping this awful illness at bay.
Libby x
Thanks Libby x
hello raiz you have found a very friendly site it has been a great help to me
Thanks Bilbo x

Hi Raiz
My name is Jo and i am one of the specialist helpline advisers on the BLF helpline. I am glad you have found the sight. We have lots of support, information and advice to offer. The web community is a really good way to ask other people in a similar situation how they perhaps cope in a particular way or medication effects.
You can also call us on 03000 030 555 if you would like to speak to us here!
Enjoy the community.
Best Wishes
Thank you Jo x
Hi raiz
Its great you have good support and home, so glad you have joined us here too
Good wishes Zoee
Thank you Zoee x
Hello raiz good to 'meet' you. I'm sure you'll enjoy the camaraderie on the blogs and messages while you get to know us and anytime you're feeling low you can pop a message on here and we'll do our best to cheer you up
Thank you Elian x
Hi lynne I came here 2 days ago I am terminally ill with ILD I have been emotionally overwhelmed with the support I have recieved to know others are suffering like you and I and peole far worse affect than I has brought tears to my eyes its taken three years to accept what is happening to me
from brian aka reggie
Hi Lynne.You have joined up with good company.I am blessed with having an understanding and very caring wife,I could not manage without her.
Thank you x
Hi Lynne and welcome,
you have certainly joined a good site, you will always find that there will be somebody who can relate to your problems worries and questions, we are a friendly lot and always prepared to offer help and support. I too have a wonderful husband and family but its nice to talk to people who know exactly how we are feeling so, feel free to air your worries, concerns and questions and good luck.
Regards Linda.
Thank you Linda, were very lucky to have the support from our family, but they dont know how we feel on a daily basis, have a good weekend Lynne x
Hi Lynne , welcome, hope you find the site helpful and supportive. You will soon feel at ease and enjoy at least a daily visit. Take care.
Thank you ingy x