same thing ok on 3rd attempt today friday same thing has happened again ok on 3rd capsule anyone else have this problem? marian xx
spirva capsules on monday went to ta... - Lung Conditions C...
spirva capsules on monday went to take my spirva put the capsule in handi haler pricked capsule inhaled nothing no powder tried next capsul

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I was never aware of the powder I inhaled when taking Spiriva. It is such a small amount (cut one open and you will see). Given that, I would think it a bit risky to inhale from 3 capsules.
I agree with Toci , I would check if there's any powder in the capsules first ! Are they 18mg if so it's only one per day were meant to take .. Have you checked to see if they maybe expired just a thought . Angie ♥
Hi Marian, I have experienced similar problem on 3 occasions over several months but not from same pack. Maybe a manufacturing problem. Lucy X
I've often wondered if I'm actually getting any, but never checked the capsule afterwards to see if there's any residue. Will look next time.
As you inhaled, did you hear a rattling sound, which is what I expect. One click is sufficient. Expect you know that already.
Yes,has happened only a few times,in many years,but just the odd one,not whole pack. I always open the capsule after inhaling,to make sure the powders gone,easy to open with hands.(2fingers!) xxx
thank you for all your replies yes i will be checking to see if there is powder in the capsule in future, and because there was no rattle thats when i realised all was not right the expiry date is 07/2015 begiining of a strip the end and the begining of the second strip was when it all happened i think it was a manufacturing problem so far i feel ok in myself thank you all marian xx
Hi guys I'm taking this inhaler too just wondered if any of you have had any of the side effects that I have had, really embarrassing. Not sure to request a change of inhalers to the copd nurse other than the very unpleasant side effect it's fab!!!!!
this has happened a few times with an odd one. It dies say on the label that only the one you are taking should be exposed to air and any that may be partly exposed should be discarded.. Joyce
Hi , yes Ihave had quite a few empty capsules,you can tell by the sound as you inhale.Ialways check the capsules after wards as well .Ikeep meaning to tell the pharmacist but have not been out for a while .I remember at Breathe Easy one of the talks --the handi haler was 57p but the capsules were £68 a box a scam possibly ??
Used to happen to me quite regularly, but not so much lately. maybe that is why they put 30 caps in the pack for a months treatment leaving you a couple of 'spares' ?
Hi snow54flake - recon I can beat this ! - a few months ago I HAD AN ENTIRE STRIP ( FIVE ), WAS EMPTY OF POWDER ! - I suppose with the millions being produced, your bound to get a few "Rogue" empty ones ! - at the end of this exercise, I was more puffed out than I was before I started trying to extract the non existent powder ! .....oh well, stops boredom setting in ! ......
Hello! This happens to me on occasion. Usually the cause, IMO, is that the hole in the capsule is enlarged too much by the puncture. That renders the capsule incapable of its characteristic "vibration." As others have said, check the capsule. If the powder is gone, 'tis all good. Don't try and administer another capsule.
Was reading the posts on here so decided to open a capsule, the powder in it is quite miniscule in fact when I looked in the capsule it looked empty so I tipped it up and out came a small amount of powder the size of a pinch of salt. It would seem some capsules appear empty but may not be due to the small amount in there. It's quite amazing that such a mini amount can change your lungs capacity to breath.
This all seems very worrying, I know Spiriva have had production difficulties, and even shut some factories down in some parts of the world. I hope they have some quality control going on.....
Spiriva capsules contain 18 micrograms of powder. That's 0.018 mg. I imagine you'd have to empty it onto a black surface to see it at all . . .
Hi I just read you txt, well I actually had the same problem last week with Spiriva. I went to the Pharmacy and told him about my concern with the missing contend of the powder. He told me he have never opened a capsule, so he don't know about it. But he was guessing that it contain 18 microgram after he open one. He also called the manufacture Boehringer about this. The powder should not be more as a very small nail pin.
I have hear a picture from the capsule. I have a problem to insert the picture here, I will see if I can send you a private mail of it. have a nice day.
I did report it to the manufacturer some years ago, thing is i will not go in to great detail but i was using the cap for another reason and so taking it app art and removing contents to fill with some other drug to take for my chest, as it may infringe some silly law i did not push it but i noticed that often i would get a run of 4 or 5 caps that were empty already, i use them to inhale still now but not dependent on them so just take them without bothering about it, i do think it is wrong that for all the money they make that they can do it without putting the drugs in properly, i am not going to complain but hope some of you will tell them.
what if it were something really important to you life, if they do it with this what other drugs are they screwing up.
Hi, yes experience empty capsules frequently, I find that is they don't rattle, there is a problem plus I can detect the residue at the back of my upper teeth, so if both are missing then I will use another one. When they work properly it makes such a difference to my breathing. I hope they sort it out, there's always been a problem with empty capsules, I tried the seebri but it made me cough so went back to my capsules.
Well I am really pleased to see I am not the only one with a problem with Spiriva I too have opened some when thought I am not getting anything out of these and 2 have been empty - that is why I love the Onbrez ones as they are transparent so you can see how much powder is in them and be sure you have inhaled it all - think Spiriva should be reported this is after all our lives they are playing with and whilst it might only now be the odd one or two someone who desperately needs it might get a few emprty ones in a row. Thank you snow54flake for bringing it up.
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