Am still working but have been told I will be sacked if have another day off sick - after 20 years !
How long does PIP take ? I am 62 & pu... - Lung Conditions C...
How long does PIP take ? I am 62 & put my first application in last August -keep being told it's with the Assessment Team but nothing!

Hi Fedupinventor...Hearing that is a worry I have just put my application in last week and thinking I would hear something in a couple of months!! My employment will be terminated in April due to health grounds (I have asbestosis as well as emphysema-Don't do things by half)and only 56!! i am mobile and still not got to the ambulatory oxygen stage yet, though I'm close. I haven't got a clue what I am entitled to, but gonna have to sell the house cause won't be able to afford mortgage on a disability pension!!...You would PIP would have to adhere to some sort of target time like most government departments.. Keep your chin up-Plumbob
Hi Plumbob sorry to hearing that you will be losing your job due to your health but I think you need to go and get some advice whether it be from the BLF or Citizens Advice regarding your benefits. As you have asbestosis you should be able to claim Industrial Injuries benefit, we didn't know about this (hubby has asbestosis) and were told by a local Council employee, we applied and after a medical were awarded a good weekly sum of money, made a huge amount of difference. Good luck.
As the Gov told DWP (& ATOS) to cut down on benefits they have awarded me (award that's a laugh?? ) 5% disability allowance?(ยฃ16-61p weekly) which I am appealing against. And with regards Industrial injuries the Gov moved the goal posts (Helsinki report 2007)and are making it very hard to claim compensation unless you have Mesothelioma ( I've got the other two Pleura Plaques & Asbestosis). Its in hands of solicitor? And because I've always payed into a pension since i was 17 and will get over ยฃ10k pension I am not entitled to a lot of things. - Nice to speak to someone (or their partner)with asbestosis, been hard to find anyone, Hows hubby doing? - Plumbob
Industrial Injuries is different to claiming compensation, we also claimed through a solicitor which was a long drawn out affair but for the industrial injuries we had to have a medical, then another one 2 years later, then another one last year which was the last and the weekly amount is for life. Hubby is doing ok now, it has been a long hard fight to get him to realise that he has to do something for himself, we eat healthily, take exercise and generally look after ourselves now. I understand about the private pension bit because I paid into one and because I get a private pension it means that we are denied other benefits. Don't forget about carers allowance as well, even if you don't receive any money (I don't because I claim the state pension) it will still be taken into account regarding Council tax etc. If I can help in way let me know. Pat
Cheers Pat I'm obviously missing something? I've never claimed for anything in my life and its all new to me as to who does what, All I've done is put form into PIP and been assessed by DWP on disability benefit. which I assumed was industrial injuries. I thought my claim (through solicitor ) was my industrial compensation ..Never looked into carers allowance or does that come through PIP and who deals with Blue Badges ? (LOL)?Unfortunately not only do I have asbestosis attacking bottom of my lungs I have emphysema blowing hole in the top so I struggle with exercise and reducing my weight (I love food its all healthy its just the volume??) 7 years ago I was running around a rugby pitch?
I had to retire from work due to hubby's condition and as we rented our house the Council sent round a benefit person. I do not know anything about PIP as we claimed DLA and he is now outside the age range (at the moment) for them to change it to PIP. Blue badges are through the local County Council normally you can apply online as it is your first application they will want evidence that you cannot walk far perhaps from your doctor or consultant. Our solicitor advised us to claim industrial injuries which is separate from any compensation or PIP you may get, have a look at this The compensation for us was the hardest thing to get as the companies involved kept denying it was their fault but we won against one of them in the end. This is the link for carers allowance Like you we had never claimed a penny until about 5 years ago and as I said the lady from the Council was a real help.
Hi Secondlife -is it just (in inverted comas?) asbestosis your hubbies suffering from or has he mesothelioma ? Was the claim made before the Helsinki Agreement 2012 came into being?. I will look further into the industrial injuries and carers allowance I have had one meeting with the CAB but due to the environment (lack of air in the interview room) I had to cut the meeting short and though I have their number they never get back to me they just sent PIP form which I assumed is the replacement for DLA, which from what I am hearing is another Government failure.-But thanks for the info ...Keepit coming !! Cheers Plumbob
He has asbestosis and COPD, the COPD was the sticking point in compensation as they tried to claim it was cigarettes that had made him ill. Our claim was not settled until May 2013 and sorry to say I know nothing about this Agreement. My advice would be to look at your local Council's website as you may be able to claim Council Tax benefit and they will have a benefits adviser to talk to you. PIP appears to be really difficult to get, my personal feeling is that it seems to be on where you live as to whether you get it or not, I have to say that we have seen 3 Atos doctors for the industrial injuries and they have been really nice. The other thing that has helped us is being able to go to the hospice, it is not that he needs it but that they have the time and knowledge to help, if it wasn't for them we would be in a bad state now as hubby was having anaphalactic reactions to dairy which was reacting with his medication.
Cheers for the Info Pat. i read some useful info from the link you gave me.. As you said things are very subjective. and as my diagnosis was only confirmed last July I think I've been caught up in the Gov's austerity measures. But you have given me some useful info...Soz to hear bout hubby's reactions.. Will keep in touch ...Keep your chin up .... Owen
Hi Fedupinventnor, I applied last summer, and they came to my home to do the assessment in October, and I am Still Waiting for results. They say that there is a back log and it will take time to clear. And that I will just have to wait. Nannyb x
Thats awful,thinking you will lose your home,can you not talk to the mortgage provider,to look at ways to reduce payments?
As for your work,that sounds rather harsh,after 20 years,what about your unfair dismissal law,not sure how it works in the UK.
Can't advise you about pip either,not living over there,but lots of people here can.
Wishing you all the best with it,Wendells xx
there is a backlog of about 6 months you can phone them to find out about your claim I found out that my claim had been canceled .but don't know who canceled it and I was told they only keep them on file for so long I was put through to the department that pays out the money and as I am terminal my benefits were sorted out within 15 minutes. I would urge you to phone them to find out if your claim is stil to be assessed. good luck
I have been waiting since July. Been told that the only assessment place I can go to only does it occasionally! ATOS have not even replied to my MP so am beginning to lose all hope. I want to know what they will award me as I should really only work part time but can't afford to drop my salary.
Put my pip in at the same time, and i,ve still heard nothing,,phoned atos up to see if it had landed there yet,, was told no,,i knew there was a 5 month backlog,,if atos stop doing assessments,,we will have to wait even longer
Hi there I have been waiting since July same thing as you papers are with the assessment team. Sign of this governments reluctance to pay benefits I think. So sorry to hear of your bosses attitude - I would get some advice from CAB or other non profit making service if I were you. Good Luck
Thanks for all your advice and support guysI I wish you all well with our common trials! My PIP app was towards retirement as I want to go !
I was transferred in December from a sedentary place of work back into a stressful Community Team .I now have a caseload of 40 & have to do home visits etc which as a non driver is super stressful - the only 'reasonable adjustment 'being a ground floor office -hmmm?
So from doing a 9-5 I now regularly do 7am to 7pm and its killing me. I am so tired I could cry.Not normally a whiner honest
but feel it is a deliberate 'setting me up to fail' to save money as I know they are 'culling' senior staff around the country by forcing them into early retirement with reduced pension benefit which my union confirms, so looks like a Tribunal but that's stressful too. Oh Rats!!
Its a shame thats its always the genuine sufferers always have to fight for everything.. I decided that my life quality is more important than running myself into the ground..There's always a way through, and though not knowing your circumstances I think you have made the right decision to go and enjoy your life without additional stress.. Stay strong ...Plumbob
Don't forget that many of us will meet the criteria to be disabled under the Equality Act. Therefore if you are made redundant or your employer does not make reasonable adjustments it could be disability discrimination. Employers hate disability discriminations claims as it could cost them lots of money. If in doubt talk to your union, the BLF helpline or a solicitor.
I have been waiting since June 2013 since I registered my claim etc. I posted the following yesterday with an update - almost on the verge of finally getting a 'yes or no' as it's now (apparently) in the hands of DWP and the all-important 'Decision Maker' who, we should all be reminded, works on behalf of the Health Minister but will have no medical/health background whatsoever...(this responsibility will have been with CAPITA/ATOS in the report writing stage)...!!!!
It has to be the most frustrating process I have ever been through in my life! I hope you hear something soon.
I have been waiting since last June does anyone know how we stand on disability rights ?