Five minutes of your life well spent - Lung Conditions C...
Five minutes of your life well spent

Is that whats called classical flash ? loved it love Dorothyxxx
Scrobbity, I want words with you. It's not often that something brings tears to my tired old eyes but that did. Don't do it again! The wife thinks I have gone to la la land.
Love from Bobby xxxx
Bravo! An excellent piece. Thank you for sharing x
I saw this on my book clubs page, it is stunning, after being so ill this autumn I found that listening to these types of music calmed my breathing right down scrobbs,
I already loved Andrea Bocelli, so listening to this was like putting a comfy old jumper on, Isn't it lovely to see the children enjoy it as much as the adults, gives one hope for the human race eh?
Thanks scrobbs
Now that is worth 18-22 + recomments scrobbity, never mind these negative comments getting them this is the sort of post worthy of such recommends.
thank you
Thank you all for those lovely comments - got carried away looking at other flashmob thingies - there are some great ones but I think having watched a few, not many could top this one especially when munching a strawberry and cream meringue at the same time. Gaviscon is by my right hand just in case.
Uplifting ! Thanks scrobbitty.
That's wonderful. Thank you.
I'm glad those that watched it enjoyed. I loved it but appreciate it's not everyone's cup of tea