Just been down to my local sports center and spent an hour between the Swimming Pool,Sauna, Steam Room will do this 3 times a week, my breathing was fine but sore muscles and Joints, I have the hydro-pool on Fri at my local hospital then a wee round of golf with Mark if I've got the strength. Matt
1st Swimming Session. Mattcass - Lung Conditions C...
1st Swimming Session. Mattcass

Well done for taking the plunge, so to speak! You will hopefully never look back - its amazing the muscles you start to use that you had forgotten about! Good luck and I hope you get the game of golf!
Sore muscles and joints is fine, just shows you've been using them. That will vanish as they acclimatise to the regular effort. Glad it worked out mattcass.
I hope you enjoyed your swim. Have you thought about doing aqua aerobics at your local pool? Have a splashing time.
Kind Regards
Good for you Matt. Did you have the females fainting at the sight of your lovely body? x
Well done I keep telling myself I should go swimming but too lazy
Well done! Have a look at Yoga &/or Pilates - both very suitable for COPD sufferers. The chlorine in the pool can sometimes be a problem, and the breathing in the sauna can be difficult, but if you can manage - go for it! Any exercise is beneficial; just don't sit around and moan.
Its great your lungs can stand up to all that Matt and it will be so good for your RA.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes BC
Well done I'm sure you will soon see the benefit I go and do aqua fit and it gets you out the hose and you meet other people so pleased for you