I`ve recently been on the 8 week PR course and went this morning for a post assessment. When I had my pre assessment my endurance walking test was 200 mtrs and I`d had enough after 4 mins. This morning I managed 21 mins with a grand walking distance of 1160 mts. Hey ho!
Post rehabilitation assessment. - Lung Conditions C...
Post rehabilitation assessment.

Good for you, keep up the good work.
Just think of the goodness it will be doing for you.
David 1968
THAT is the power of PR! Well done.
That's excellent SuzieQ!
Hi Susie, You sound just like me 3 years ago, I am now 62 and finished work at 59 fortunately got made redundant but sickness followed immediately. I was assessed for a lung transplant 2 years ago, successfully, and went on the list last August, now waiting patiently although I have been called in once but unfortunately the lungs were unsuitable. What I really wanted to let you know was about claiming DLA, when I enquired about it they said that because I could dress myself and warm up a meal I would not be entitled to it but when I went in for the transplant assessment the social worker there applied and I got it immediately. What we don't realise and tell them is how long it takes us to get dressed and get a meal ready. It really is worth applying but get someone to help you with it, I believe Age Concern are very good. Not sure how bad you are but I was diagnosed about 10 years ago, gave up smoking immediately, but the last 3 years have been really hard a I am now classed as severe copd. Good luck and take care Sue Eyre
Thanks for that Sue. I`m severe as well and gave up smoking 7 years ago, FEV1 22% on my last visit to the consultant. Im on ESA at the moment will soon be assessed. I am worried now though in case my new found `health` has made me fit for work in the eyes of ATOS, Although Im feeling so much better I have to put all my energy and time into looking after myself. I plan on asking local CAB to help me fill in the forms, I discussed this with staff at the clinic today and they said they would help me also with this anyway they can.
all the best Susie qs.fingers crossed for you,beats me how any 1 is suppose to work like that with lung problems,powers what be eh,walk in our shoes eh,do the talk but not the walk,penpushing nobs,bernicexx
Good luck. I received my pension just before I was 61 (one of the lucky ones) but before that I was never pushed into work, when I was assessed for my sickness benefit (ESA?) they never expected me to return to work. Just remember it is not what you can do it is how long it takes you to do it and as I have heard from others you have to give your worst case scenario. Sue
What a fantastic result my husband has his post assessment on Thursday I know he is nervous! Hope he gets the same sort of results as you have had! Congratulations! ! Tad xxxx
Wowsa SusieQ how impressive is that outstanding effort ,well done you!You must be made up with those results. Janexx
That's great SusieQs Well done! Just keep up with the exercises,
Well done SusieQs, now you've seen the difference you know it works As already suggested keep up the good work, keep on exercising.
Best wishes BC x
Well done Susie, you see if you put your mind to it you can work wonders, and even surprise yourself, keep up the good work Malk. x
Well Done SusieQ I am so impressed.
My husband was on PR a few weeks back, and as our dog had died a couple of years ago and as he wasn't walking the dog anymore, thought it might be a good idea to see if we could get a small dog, asked the physio and he said it would be a good idea and would also be company for my husband as I go to work. So we have just got back from a well known rescue centre and all it did was really upset us both, the attitude of the woman running the place was terrible, my husband was short of breath when he walked into the reception area and she said he should sit down and then started asking us a lot of questions, one being was my husband on medication and was he able to even walk the dog and at what pace, as I worked she said that I wasn't the carer for the dog although she never asked how long I worked each day, we went and had a look at the dogs and my husband quite took a fancy to one little dog, but when we went to enquire about it she said that it would be too much for my husband and then got up and walked off saying that she had other people to see too and the dogs come first. So all in all we came home pretty upset and my husband feeling that he couldn't care for anything. So neither the dog or my husband will be getting any walking done. He is so upset now.
Im sorry to hear that badham. It must have made your husband feel dreadful to think that that snooty woman didn`t think he was fit enough to look after a little dog. Even if that was her opinion she should have had a better attitude. Have you thought about looking for a dog elsewhere because it does seem like it would be so benefical to your husband to give him some needed motivated exercise and also give a little doggie a loving home.
You have to be so careful these days. One wrong word and some bloomin' jobsworth thinks that they have done the best for the dog. Well no- actually. The poor dog is still in the rescue centre, and everyones time has been wasted. Keep on trying - forget about the setback and move on. Just remember to be careful how you you approach things in future - in case you meet another JW at the vets or wherever you try next.
Why don't you try your local vet they sometimes have dogs come in who need a home I agree exercise is the best way forward and that having COPD makes you very tired but walking a dog is a social thing and meet all sorts of people.
We will keep trying and hopefully there is a little dog out there for him, he had only just come out of hospital and was the first trip out so of course he was still more breathless, he has been ill for over 10 years and is slowly getting worse and does miss our old dog so much, and the dog always seemed to know at what pace to walk for him and looked after him when I was at work, he woke my husband once because he had slept all morning and would have slept all day I think and the dog seemed to know that he would be ill if he didn't eat something. I cant understand why this woman was so up herself, how could she know what my husband was able to do and to ask what pace he could walk was silly because the dog walks to your pace. You seem to work so hard just to live and you don't need people knocking you back as soon as you try to do things.