Been discharged from hospital today Saturday 12th October 4-00pm, so Consultant Friday he said there was nothing he could do but for me to carry on with my inhalers, Prednisolone and to keep going to pulmonary rehab and that I did not need to take oxygen to manage my emphysema.
Home.: Been discharged from hospital... - Lung Conditions C...

Oh wow rick1 sorry didnt know you was in, however its very good news that you are home, take it easy and look after yourself as best you can..........bless yur Joan x
Glad that you are home. Take care of yourself
you take care not nice coming home too an empty house is the nurse going to come and see you
Nothing like your own home, rick, but seeing what newlands said, are you on your own. Some people dont mind and others dont find it easy.
Oh sorry Rick, I missed that you'd been in hospital. Hope you're okay. xxpeeg
Thought it was negative!
Hello peeg will keep you posted Richard.
Hello rick1 how are you feeling? very good to be out of hospital eh cant beat being at home with all your own bits,bed etc.You dont sound to happy though is it not good to not need oxygen or what is their reason for this?Im glad your gonna get help from social services.Be well rick takecare.Janexx
Hi Rick. I am glad you are home, as you must be. Good news that you don't need oxygen, I sometimes find it a nuisance. Sleep well. xx
Awe Richard didn't know you had been in hospital. Hope you are feeling better now and be glad to get into your own bed. I hope you are getting all the services that you need and be good to talk with Social Services again.
Do keep warm as weather is so cold now. xx
Hi ric1
Sorry you've been in hospital. Hope you are feeling better. Do keep warm.
Hi rick, sorry to hear you've been in hospital but glad you are home. I think not needing ixygen js a good thing. It means there s something to fall back on if needed in the future. Take care.
Morning Rick, I hope you slept well last night and are feeling better
Morning Rick how did you sleep? Nothing like your own bed and morning cupa in your own cup or mug. I do hope your feeling better.
Welcome home, better than being institutionalised with the hospital regime although it is good to have the company and to know that there is someone there if you need them. Make full use of any help you are offered and don't be stubborn by trying to be independent. Keep well and good luck. Lizzy.
Glad you are home Rick and wishing you well. Take care xxxx
A warm welcome home Rick...take things easy and remember we are all here to support you...Lovelight xxx

Oh thank you Lovelight it is so good to know that. Richard.
Didn't realise you were in 5* Rick. Really glad you are home hun. Lots of r and r. Build up your strength and I hope you feel better soon. There's good and bad in every profession and some docs just lack any sensitivity. Don't allow it to bug you - not needing 02 right now is a good thing.
With love cx
Hope you had a good nights sleep in your own bed, Rick, take things steady, enjoy the help that has been given, and I am sure you will be back to your old self,X
Good to hear that your home & do not need oxygen. Do try to keep up with the PR as it will really improve your abilities in daily living. Start slowly and build up gradually
Best wishes
Thank you Jo will take your advice. Richard.