Feeling a bit down my hubby came home from hospital a few days ago after bad chest infection and retaining carbon dioxide the c.a.s.t nurse came out yesterday and was not happy with his oxygen levels in low 80s she is coming back today and he might have to go back in hospital,if he has to have home oxygen is he restricted to staying home we hardly go anywhere together anymore because of his illness just short breaks over here and now both feel like we will have to lose even that , but i have been so worried when he has these bad infections i will be just glad he is here with us .i know all this stress affects his breathing.his oxygen levels were ok before he got infection.
Home oxygen: Feeling a bit down my... - Lung Conditions C...
Home oxygen

I have oxygen at home and a small bottle while out I have a small electric scooter and wheelchair does have a machine for his CO2. They gave me a machine for night time and if needed during the day
Thanks are you limited to the time you are out incase your oxygen runs out
Usually your oxygen company will give you a booklet with everything in. Normal sized oxygen bottles last a few hours I often when in the wheelchair turn off the oxygen. Also they don't always tell you but ask for a conserve you will have to push a little and say you go out a lot the conserver when breathing makes a little noise while on it's to say you are breathing and with the conserver the oxygen lasts a lot longer double the time. Again when out I often take it off but with a conserver you need to turn off otherwise it starts beeping. But speak to oxygen people. They are also quick at getting the bottles to you. Ring on a Monday usually there by Tuesday and you dont need to wait in they leave box in porch and take empty bottles away. We go out a lot going away in April for a break for 4 days we just make sure we take extra bottles to take away. But longer holiday they will arrange for the oxygen machine to be in your hotel room and any other things you need. Take care
I am in a similar situation, as this is all new to me, I wasn't allowed home from hospital until everything was in place, concentrator installed,oxygen cylinders in place, loads of booklets. I have to be on the concentrator minimum of 15 hrs a day. A quick walk to the bottom of the garden and back again, using just the small "pony"bottle I was still out of breath, realised to up the dose from 2-4
May try B&Q tomorrow. Contact your health-care provider if you have any problems, I am still learning, but nice to see I am not alone
Been using the oxygen for about 2 years now. Know theres a lot of people on the forum who will have lots of knowledge on this subject. You do start to get used to things. If going away we always ask if they have a room downstairs which helps or a lift to the room. I started rehab as well which helps and I joined a local group called fab because I did go through panic attacks and anxiety attacks and this group helped me through taught me through tai chi to calm myself and slow things down to control my breathing. It does help going to these groups being with people in the same boat so to speak is good.enjoy b andv if needed they have wheelchair
I dont use oxygen at the moment,but I know a couple of people who do..
They manage to attend a group for 6 hours. One plugs into the socket,the other 2 seem to have battery devices.
Sorry can’t help any more.
Please try to get out a bit,it will do you both good
Hi Dazbazbez I’m new to oxygen and if you read a few of my posts you’ll see my little journey up until now. I’m only on Ambulatory oxygen and my what a blessing it has been. I’ve effectively been oxygen deprived for the last couple of years and only through insisting my breathlessness is worse on exertion my consultant decided to do the walk test. Despite the pulsimeter showing my sats as normal while sitting in the chair Copd 88-94% they quickly dropped to around 70 within a minute and half of the walk test. I feel I’m gaining my life back slowly, baby steps but I’m not going to say it’s easy. There’s the whole psychological hurdle to overcome with what was effectively a hidden disease now being one for all and sundry to see with your oxy kit and canula across your face. Please fight this as the rewards are worth it. I had a lovely afternoon catching up with a dear friend yesterday despite all the hurdles getting there and back I’ll do it again. Good luck and let us know how you both get on.