Hi all, It's a beautiful day here in Yorkshire. It would have been lovely to have a stroll but I won't be going nowhere.
I had above jabs Friday morning. I have had one flu jab last year and this year I mentioned not being offered a pnemonia jab yet. The nurse gave me it there and then so I was well made up.
By teatime, I had a very sore arm, which I expected and an awful pain in my armpit, which I didn't.
By bedtime, I felt very unwell, and woke up next morning with my armpit, all down my arm and side of my chest really hurting. It was all muscular. I have Fybro, and the injection must have caught my muscles and sent me into a flare.
It the moved into it's usual spot of all over my back muscles and neck.
I stayed in bed and used my wheat bags,but the pain got that bad, I had to ask my Son to massage my back and neck, (Over my pajama's.) which I hate doing because it doesn't feel right him having to do it, but I was in agony .
My partner always used to do that for me and occassionally, he would moan. So, I don't want to put on my Son.
Mind you, my brother arrived while he was doing it, and he was telling him to shift over, he'll do it, because you have to find the pressure points. He had heard it on radio 4. Lol.
My son wasn't budging, he said he knew where the pressure points were because they were stuck up like marbles. Haha.
What makes it worse is the anti depressant medication I am on has made me not able to take any Tramadol. I can't take Co-codomol either because it doesn't agree with me. Paracetamol do nothing.
Anyway, I feel a bit better today, but still have considerable pain and aching.
I don't really have a lot of COPD problems - yet. I have some form of inflamatory arthritis, (Suspected Lupus.)and this damn Fibro is the one getting me down the most. It worries me about being able to keep fit to hold back the COPD developement. It makes me feel bloody doomed. Lol.
I know there is somone else on here with Fibro, but can't remember who so, if your reading this, I wouldn't mind hearing any tips on coping with it. I won't always have someone here to help when they finally move on with their lives.
I hope everyone has a good day.
Casper. xx