I took a walk up to the Holy Well in Malvern Wells today and took a drink. I'll let you all now if I'm cured of my IPF and you can all come and try it. I wouldn't hold your breath but its worth a go when you've nothing to lose eh'
On the way there I came across a buddleia bush which was covered in peacock and tortoiseshell butterflies,I'm pleased to say there are a lot more around this year, probably due to more favourable weather conditions. I took a photo but its file size was 270 kb, slightly too big to download to this post. For some reason the holy well took less file size and I'm able to post it?. Does the amount of colour and light alter the amount of kb file size used?, it seems to.
Anyway if nothing else comes of drinking the Holy Water at least any vampires will steer clear of me for a while.
Tony. Keep exercising everyone, it really helps.