Can Ventolin/Salbutamol cause breathlessness?
Breathlessness: Can Ventolin/Salbutamol... - Lung Conditions C...

Yes, Twinks it can, though thankfully does not for most people. I once was given Bricanyl whilst in hospital and I gasped for breath whilst the nurse panicked!
Twinks - personally, I haven't experienced breathlessness with ventolin
Thank you Toci and Annieseed. I am at a total loss and don't know what to do anymore. Diagnosed with COPD few weeks ago and given Beclometasone and Salbutamol. FEV1 was 73. Since then I am breathless when sitting down never mind moving. I went back to GP and she said my chest sounded clear and gave me Prednisolone 7 days at 5mg. Finished them last Sunday and not helped. Written a few posts on here and put it down to me panicking at just being diagnosed but I really don't think it is. I don't normally panic about things and strong person. Are they treating me more for asthma? I read about Spriva and wonder if that would help. I am going back to GP this Monday. Is it normal to be breathless just sitting/resting? Last few days my feet/ankles are really swollen.
My daughter bought me a Mother and Daughter night away for Christmas but due to my husband having emergency heart op - took us all by surprise - in February............... our night away was cancelled and she booked it for last night. Just got home now. I don't want to worry Natalie and for last couple of weeks I have been unable to sleep in bed as feel as if I will stop breathing so been sleeping or rather sitting on sofa.............. so very tired now. Anyway, Natalie and I shared twin room and bless her she said 'Mum if you need me at all please wake me up'. Kept light on and even took my fan * smiles *. I have blamed it on heat, panic etc but at a loss now. Oximeter reading is anything from 93-96. Even went down to 91. I ould breath 3 weeks ago and now I cant. Thank you so much for listening. Oh when Chris had heart op in February, he had MRI and it showed tumour on his kidney. Weeks after op we went to see Consultant and he confirmed that it was cancer. We are a family that look on positive side and thanked goodness for MRI showing tumour and it could be dealt with rather than thinking why us? We have waited months for op date and that was difficult I must admit but finally have date for op on 5th August.
Dear Twinks,
I have been with betaclometasone "Foster 100" and my heart frequency was 90 when I was sitting and I felt out of breath all the time, I had I lot of tachycardia. The salbutamol can give you tachycardia if you use it to much.
I couldn't sleep and just like you I did sleep in the sofa waking up with panic attacks.
So it is possible that you need another medicine.
I also had spiriva handy haler and I had terrible tachycardia too.
After all these experimentation with medicines I did return to my old medicine , fluticasona propionate " flixotide 500 that does not give me any side effect. After 7 years I am satisfied. I can breath very good and I don't need the salbutamol.
I wish you all the best.
Oh bless you twinks, sometimes you can be stressed and not even realise it. From the sounds of what is going on in your life, you would be a very unique person if you weren't stressed or worried. See your G.P. and explain what is happening and see what they say. As I am sure someone has mentioned before, the BLF Helpline team are amazing - they are open Monday to Friday on 03000 030 555. Warm wishes xx
Hiya Twinks. Chin up old girl and do as Scrobbity says on Monday. Those nurses on the BLF helpline are super good. At first glance I thought those inhalers you have been prescribed look a bit lightweight for COPD but the nurses will know. I hope you get sorted out soon.
Love from Bobby xxxx
Awe thanks Scrobbity. I feel like a stuck record on this. Yes I spoke to BLF team and that's what made me go back to GP and they prescribed the 7 day course of the steroid pills. When I had spirometry test on 2nd July and Nurse told me it was COPD, I said to her that I don't think I do have it (denial) as had lot of stress at the moment. I even walked away saying to myself ' Awe poor Nurse has it all wrong'. Nearly 4 weeks later, I accept it is COPD but thing that does my wee head in is.............. I could breath nearly 4 weeks ago and now with inhalers I cant with comfort. My stress is less now as feel relief to have a date for Chris's op and they are confident that because it is on outside of kidney as opposed to in it, that keyhole surgery and freezing it off will do the job. Are you still into the frys Turkish delight bars? I've moved onto chunky kit kats but that's another story. *laughs*.
Thank you Bobby................... I will see GP Monday and talk over inhalers. Surely with COPD at mild/moderate it cant be that someone is breathless sitting? Or is it I just don't know.
I hate that this diagnosis is making me appear selfish.......... all me me me.
Hahahaha - moved on to Cadbury's Turkish Delight huge bars (best straight from the fridge)
Hmmmm was thinking about what you were saying above and have had times when the breathing seemed worse after Ventolin so have made a huge effort to not use it. Strangely, bumped into a guy who was going for a chest x-ray at the same time as me and he was really bad with his breathing. He was cursing and swearing and said that before the inhalers he could breathe but now needed a wheelchair to move about. There is a possibility that what you have been given isn't doing much for you so worth an ask; also a possibility that you aren't using them quite properly (I didn't to start off with).
You can be breathless just sitting for numerous reasons, mainly the onset of an infection, or humidity or something in the air that is affecting you. You are quite entitled to be selfish because it is about and does affect you. Sending you a cyber Kit Kat and a smile xx
Hi Twinks.
I got my nurse to change my inhalers to see if there was anything better, but ended up back on the first ones, lol
point being everyone is different, so those inhalers may not suit you, ask to try others. Once you have inhalers sorted its very important to do exercise and breath correctly, exercise eg walking, gym etc is really good for everyone's lungs.
Take care
I had two chest infections a couple of months ago. Chest is clear now but I am SOB even moving around the house now. GP said she did not know why as my chest was clear and just to use my bricanyl as often as I needed it and symbicort three times a day. I have also been taking antihistamine because of the high pollen count - this helps by stopping post nasal drip which made my cough worse, but it is not my cough now it is just SOB and I have difficulty with being mobile for distance. Just had my applic for a blue badge turned down and felt so mad about that when I see the people with them parking in the supermarket and then walking freely about (even breaking into little jogs at times!)
My response to you being that I dont find the inhalers causing my SOB but not helping either. I just live with it now and hope it doesnt get worse. I hope you get a better response from your GP than I did,
Many years ago my son had a friend who worked Saturdays in a car park. He said, if you're ever ill come to this car park as most of the people parking in the "disabled" bays are miraculously cured once they get out of the car, it's like Lourdes! Hope you're feeling better soon. Libby
Hi Twinks, I occasionally get breathless for a few minutes after using Ventolin. It always
passes quickly. Given the stress you have been under there could be other factors. Talk to your GP. Wish you all the best....Adrian
Hi Twinks. I am on ventolin and I don't get breathless with it. Could part of it be stress due to your hubby's condition? But I do agree if you have COPD you could need something stronger. Go and see your doctor asap.
Bev x
You are an amazing bunch of people do you know that? Now here is a funny thing. The Salbutamol states use 2 puffs four times a day when required. Admit I have been using it up to 14 puffs a day thinking it will help breathlessness. After earlier posts, I thought............. no I will hang fire and leave it and see how I get on. Just been watching tv with Chris and breathlessness eased off. Maybe I have been overusing it but still going to see GP on Monday and have inhalers looked at. I do think the inhaler did partly cause breathlessness though. I think I overthink on the breathing too after being used to breathing and not thinking of it............. now find I am aware of every breath. Hard to explain.
Thanks Bastectacid, Adrian and Bev for your replies - much appreciated. This is such a learning curve and I am so appreciative of any help you can suggest.
Yes Slade about exercise and I am going to start walking more, using exercise bike and in process of looking to buy treadmill. Can you put in an appeal for your blue badge Bealings? So unfair that you didn't get it but don't give up.
I will chase up GP about my referral to PR Course.
Take care
Hi Twinks,
firstly, you keep asking the questions.
Many of us have been through similar beginnings to you and i for one have found this site and the lovely generous people on it a godsend.
You will pick up so much information to help manage your conditions.
Most important is to take your inhalers properly. To get the optimum dose from each one you need a spacer.
At the PR group recently I found I'd been taking mine wrongly for years!! Different puffers have different methods. Doh, if only I knew that at the beginning.
Have a scroll down the 'Questions', you'll find one about spacers and the useful answers.
It looks as though you might be using the Ventolin excessively because the preventor, Beco..........isn't working as it should: a. because you aren't taking it properly or b. because it's the wrong dose or c. it's the wrong medication.
Can you look up a YouTube clip (a nice clever person might put one up for us) on 'pursed lip breathing'. It's brilliant to level up your breath/breathing when short of breath.
It's such a shame that there isn't a PR group nearer to you.
Make the most of your practice respiratory nurse, take your inhalers with you next time you see her/him so you can demonstrate your technique.
Don't be afraid to call the helpline again.
All the best for this journey you're on xx
I am asthmatic and I find if I take Bricanyl or Ventolin inhalers or Combivent in my nebuliser without balancing it with more of my steroid medication, my chest gets tighter and my peak flow goes down.
When I was first diagnosed I used the Ventolin a lot , and like you was afraid to sleep, and couldn't get upstairs without great difficulty....don't know if it was a coincidence or not .
I try not to use bronchiodilators now except in an emergency, or just for a short time when I have an exacerbation.
The pursed lip breathing is excellent (I learned that technique on this site) ...someone posted two good ideas on how to deal with a breathless attack yesterday. I think it helps with the hyperventilation.
I think one side effect of the medication can be anxiety too, which could be adding to the stress you are under at the moment.
One thing I have learnt here too is that everyone reacts differently to different medications.
I have told my respiratory nurse and the GP that I think too much Ventolin makes me worse, if I take it for too long.
Best wishes J
Hi Twinks, coming in a bit late on this but just to say I am convinced Ventolin makes me worse. Just a thought, is your blood pressure high do you know? That can have an effect as high blood pressure can make you feel anxious, which in turn makes your breathing worse. I am sure your gp takes your blood pressure when he/she sees you though. Hope you're feeling better very soon. Libby x
PS Have you tried using a spacer with your ventolin, you get much more of the dose?
It does the opposite for me ,reliever for when you get out of breath,it's my life saver.also ventilin is in my nebulizer,or I would not be able to breathe !!!