I hope everyone is enjoying this sunshine.
What glorious weather: I hope everyone... - Lung Conditions C...
What glorious weather
A yes/no situation I'm afraid. I feel that i not getting enough air into my lungs. I feel stuffy, SOB and i have done my puffers. However, there are many that love it - we have had so much depressing weather.
I love the sun,but it does play havoc with my breathing,I have one of those little hand held fans,it's not brilliant,but it helps

So glad you reminded me - I have one that plugs into the computer on a flexi-stem, just put it on, bliss!
I've been trying to eat my tea for the last 15 minutes, just a sandwich, but was struggling as I tried to breathe at the same time. With the fan on it's helped a heck of a lot. Might even chance a desert
Still waiting for heat! Typical. I have oodles of ice cubes at the ready to lay in front of my fan, and feel a cooling breeze instead of circulated warm air .... and what happens... the rest of the country is scorching, and we have high winds .... Hope you're all coping with the heat. When you're finished with it, sent it up to Scotland!
Sandra x x x

Your wish is my command LOL, it,s whizzing up to you & should be there for when you wake! unless of course spell was bit strong & it misses you & hits Skye instead in that case Sorry
LOL.... I shall wait till tomorrow then before putting in a complaint to the management
Sandra x x x
I struggle too much in this heat I prefer spring weather I have been the same as Gordon the last few days and found it difficult to eat and breathe so been eating butties and cold plates.
The hand held fans help too Jambo I have an air conditioning machine problem is it's very noisy so can't have it on for long
Julie xx x xx x
Sorry but lapping it up at the moment - my body is munching that warmth as if it will never be full again. So strange how we are all different with the heat. Maybe being born in a hot place helped somewhere and would explain the need to hibernate every winter. xx
where were you born then scrobbitty ?

Sunny Cyprus Julie - there for the first eighteen months of my life then whisked out of there to the North of Flipping Scotland LOL - sublime to the ridiculous LOL xx
Hot again down here but a nice breeze which has made breathing a lot easier
Take care
Hi had a great day out in the sun I love it the hotter the better my RA and my Lungs love it to although my medication says don't go into direct sunlight to me that's like going to bingo without a pen, hee-hee,mattcass
Here in Kingston on Thames nr. London it's as hot as the gates of hades sob. Talking eating coughing moving all trouble using inhaler difficult thank lord for Oramorph and that's tricky to take.
Oh Chris I do sympathise it is awful with the heat I only feel comftable in the evenings when its cooler and the humidity has dropped, have to some of the house work then as its so hard to breathe with the heat
Take good care love Julie xx
Gorgeous here in Vale of Glamorgan sunny and hot but nice breeze cos we are near the sea. Might go sit at the beach this afternoon and have an ice-cream.
Afraid this heat is too much for me, I am having to use my inhaler more, but when I go to bed I make sure my fan is giving me good air.
But I have never been one for hot weather, but glad many people enjoy it
i dread hot sunny days,I know that my breathing will get worse,the attacks will become more frequent and generally my lungs seem to be screaming out for oxygen.Give me cold winters days anytime,I don't know if its just me, but in winter the air seems denser ,and better for over coming attacks,these last 2 days have been like a nightmare for me,i find myself becoming afraid once again because the attacks where i cant breath are worse in this weather ,i think i will take my specialists suggestion that i should look into a transplant the next time i see him even my gp has said i have only a short window to be accepted on the transplant list,not many get through the selection process in told so what the hay lets do it,what have i got to lose ?,my quality of life at the moment is basically none existent ,i'm even to tired and frightened of an attack to brush my teeth some times,I never thought i would turn into this shadow of myself 8yrs ago before i was diagnosed with copd ,i was always confident and self sufficient and always took care of my family,all that has gone now lets hope if i am lucky enough to be accepted and be lucky to beat the odds i can once again get some of my oldself back again.
Sorry ive prattled on a bit,everyone take care ,stay lucky and be happy as you can,thanks dave.