my family have all got a virus which un happily I have got, the normal soar throat runny noise, ect... im not sure what to do, or take medication wise as I have not been diagnosed long.
RE: bronchiectasis: my family have all... - Lung Conditions C...
RE: bronchiectasis

Are You On Steroid Inhaler As That Helps ..... If Your More Breathless Would Be Best Taking Meds
ok hun thanks for that I take seretide haler. morning & night.. chest is painful but bearable! not one to just don't want to get another chest infection so soon after just getting over one...
Best thing, sissypants, is to ring the surgery and explain your situation. You wont need any more bugs otherwise you might get a chest infection. Do you have a rescue pack? All the best, annieseed x
I have a batch of antibiotics on stand by just not sure when to take then. do you wait until your really ill or get there b4 things get bad...
aniseed... rescue pack??? not sure what that is??? can you tell me..
A rescue pack is a supply of antibiotics (and sometimes steroids) which are kept at home in case of a chest infection starting so that the medication can be started immediately. These should not be taken for heavy colds, sore throats, etc. but only at the start of an infection.
toci.. ok sounds good advice this is all new to me im not long diagnoised & to be honust have hide my heads in the sand as I get to upset about it all. I don't feel very well, and have noticed in the past if I get a cold it goes straight to my chest which in turn I get a chest infection... I have meds at home but don't want to take them unless I have to... do I just see how this cold or virus goes then if it gets bad take medication???? : I would ring my gp but there shut today:
If you are unsure ring the BLF helpline and they will talk you through it
OK many thanks guys & girls. Hugs.xx
Ive been struggling this year 4 exacerbation's already this year. You need to see the signs and not let it get too advanced before you get medication. I have antibiotics and steroids on standby and use my nebuliser as soon as I get the sticky mucus or it get too much a hold. I also take Echinacea and supplements to try to ward off the bugs- especially difficult when grandchildren visit!! Keep Smiling
I find that the best time to start the antibiotics is right at the first signs of chest infection [not simply a runny nose or sore throat]. It certainly works for me - wishing you the very best!
Hi sissypants (love the name)
Being newly diagnosed with bronchiectasis must be very overwhelming, but hiding your head in the sand will not help you. Not been in that position as I have had it since babyhood.
I hope you have a respiratory consultant with a special interest in cystic fibrosis (makes a difference), and that you have been referred to a specialist respiratory physio to learn techniques to get rid of the gunk from your lungs.
We are all different and as toci says it is recognising your norm i.e. how much gunk you produce and what is the normal colour for you. How you feel when well.
To answer your question hun It is known that antibiotics are of no use to treat a virus. However many bronciectatics (me included) pretty much always get a secondary bacterial infection following a virus. .Personally I wouldn't let it go on long before starting the abs if you feel rough, but if you are in doubt and it is early days for you sweet, you may be best to get some professional advice.
Wishing you good luck and remember if you have any questions or concerns please post or pm and someone will come along to answer.
Love cx
Hi everyone, many thanks for the advice, saw my gp today chest infection it is, new antibiotics and a strong telling off to stay away from people with colds. lucky me looks like a bubble for me to live in, I told the gp im depressed from keep getting sick, it got ignored, guess that does not matter. came home had a cry and I fell really sorry for myself, but looking at the positive side of it I can look forwards to a helping of thrush once im finished taken the antibiotics.. ha! ha!
He he well it it's not one thing it's another. glad you have seen the doc. Hope you feel better soon and your spirits are lifted.
love cx