I am losing my mind very quickly as I am worried out of my mind as I am waiting to hear from the DWP about my claim for ESA in the support group. I am i this position now but have had to have a second test as my last one was a year ago, nothing has changed, I am still as ill as I was then, worse in fact as I now have high blood presure.
I suffer from moderate COPD, severe treatment resistant depression, GAD, OCD and social phobia. I am at present undergoing CBT with a mental health team and my therapist could tell I was worrying over something to the point of distraction, In the end I told her what I was worrying about, she told me to phone atos (as it has been 9 weeks and I have heard nothing)
I was to do this to help me to come to terms with my worry and be in control of it. Well I phoned atos and the gentleman was very nice, he said they had looked at my form and decided I met the criteria for the support group, they wrote to my GP, who has replied, and now they have sent everything to the decision maker at the DWP, they gave me thier number and I rang them, all they could say was it was being dealt with by the decision maker but they were slightly behind schedule due to some sort of industrial action.
Thing is I can't sleep, eat or concentrate on anything, this worry and stress has completely taken over my life, It's not being taken of the support group that worries me, it is the thought of having to go for interviews etc as I am too ill mentally to do this. Last year I had the same problem and I went to see my GP about it, he stated there was no way they would take me of the support group as I was too ill, but if they did to tell him and he would fight the decision all the way, well nothing has changed since last year except it was decided that antidepressants were not working for me and I was put under the care of the mental health team, as after a visit to my gp he decided I was a threat to myself and got me an emergency appointment with the mental health crisis team.
I am at my wits end and don't know what to do, I feel frightened, alone and disorientated, what can I do except maybe end it all, at least then I would not have to worry to the point that it is making me terribly ill.
thank you for listening