Well that was my response to DWP after reducing both my pip components.
But that’s not Issue really ITs how try to make sick diesesd do things the medical conditions mean the can’t AND that’s hard but unforgivable
So they was told IN short sweet letter just how I feel AND trouble I have holding it together.
Why well Under year ago I told smart decision maker ABOUT my lung condition and heart issues AND how reducing my surport AND trying to make me do things I can’t Could causes any number of heart issues including heart attack
Clearly DWP new best as surport was reduced AND yes I had heart attack.
Clearly cardiac surgeons no more than dwp AND that’s why am not letting DWP away with nearly killing me.
Clearly as it happend to me am intitales to share my story SO my next poet of call is going to be parlamerty ombudsman as clearly am not happy impressed with any of it