Eleven days ago I was taken to my local A & E because I developed pains in my upper left back, left side and left chest. The pain was so bad I found it difficult to breathe but didn't need Oxygen. By midnight they had taken me to Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield suffering from Pneumonia and Pleurisy. I spent that night in the AAU and at lunch time the next day, in spite of being in a lot of pain and unable to walk far I was told I could go home and I was given a week course of Amoxicillyn and Clarithromyacin. A week later when the antibiotics ran out I went to see my GP and he gave me the same again because he didn't think a week was enough. I have brought flecks of blood up over the past week but (touch wood) none since Saturday. As I say that was eleven days ago, I still find it difficult to take a deep breath and I get out of breath more than I did before this illness. How long does it take to get over Pneumonia and Pleurisy?
How Long does it take to recover from... - Lung Conditions C...
How Long does it take to recover from Pneumonia and Pleurisy?

A difficult one to answer. You are young. My experience with pneumonia a few weeks to really get back to normal. You need to watch your breathing. Talk to your respiratory nurse about your concerns. Also ring the BLF nurse about your worries. Sorry I don't have the tel.no. All the best.

It's 03000 030 555
We keep saying 'Everyone is different' and that applies here too. It will depend a lot on you, how you recover with the help of antibiotics and how badly you've been hit with this.
I had Pneumonia in the early 90's, which was the initial cause of my lung problems. I've had Pleurisy quite recently, but not both together. I would have thought they would give you steroids as well, to calm the inflammation.
I'd suggest having a chat with a BLF nurse, ring the helpline and ask for one of them to call you. They can go into more detail than we can on here.
Hi Wiggins, so sorry you've had to go through this, some people can take months to recover from pneumonia, it can vary from patient to patient though.
Look after yourself and give the helpline a call to see what else they may advise.
Hope yours is a fairly quick recovery.
Hope you are soon feeling better.
Let's hope you recover very soon.
Drink loads (of fluids, not alcohol), keep going back to doc if you're unwell, ALWAYS enquire results of any tests - ask them to do sputum test if they haven't already - they wont necessarily tell you any results. Call the helpline
As Gordon says, we're all different. I've had the same two together & the 1st time it took several months to get back to normal although the pleurisy pain only took 2-3 weeks to clear........... got pneumonia 4 more times in 18 months and when I told the respitory nurse at annual check she asked "has anyone offered you the pneumonia vaccine"!!!! She gave it to me there & then & I've not had pneumonia diagnosed since.......... plenty of chronic bronchitis though which only Azithromycin seems to clear over a longer period.
Good luck Wiggins
I had phnumonia last year it started in April and was diagnosed in august after twelve months continuous antibiotics and steroids I am just starting to get back to normal it can take a long time I was told by go it take a week for every year of ur life

Hi wiggins
Sorry to read you're not feeling too good at the moment.
Generally recovery from pneumnia is approximately 6 weeks, however it can take many weeks and even months in some cases to feel 'well' again.
Try not to rush things, try to take it easy and rest - your body has taken a battering with the infections and it needs time to recover and heal fully.
As always we are here at the helpline - 03000 030 555.
my 3 yr od has this and we are told up to 6 weeks recovery.
Oh my I'm an adult suffering so bad, how are you coping with a child who has it? I feel very sorry for your small child and yourself.