I was checking the date of my next massage and reflexology when the question came to me about what really does help us with our breathing/mental problems.
I have an air purifier/ioniser, shiatsu heated massager, a flutter, a power breath etc etc. I have monthly massages and have just started reflexology. I use Olbas oil inhaler, bubble bath and oil. I use Lavender and Vanilla candles for relaxation and stimulation - go figure I also have a home blood pressure machine and of course I have my nebuliser.
Now am I fooling myself or do any of these things help? I definitely think the power breather is starting to and I am an avid believer in Olbas oi. I know that after my massage I always feel so relaxed I wish I could have one more often. The reflexology again helps me relax not sure what else it does but I enjoy it!
I am sure you have noticed the lack of exercise equipment well I have some of that too but nothing big because I don't want to mess up my house and what I have got I will be honest is gathering dust
Then there are all the things I have bought to make my life easier in the house or are they just making me lazier?
I suppose it could be exactly what my daughter says I have too much time to sit and think and therefore I don't actually do anything constructive like use the bloody things!!
Anyone this is my thought for the day
Happy Sunday