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Asthma Community Forum

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All posts for January 2013


ok, i think thats how you spell it!! Saw Mr Higgins at the Freemans yesterday, ...
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First trip with crazy asthma

I just flew from Israel to the US - 17 hours transit. I've never flown before a...
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Request particular brand inhaler??

Hi, I wonder if anyone can answer this for me. Over the years I have had variou...
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How do I deal with bullying at work due to my asthma?

I am 25 years old and have had asthma for as long as I can remember. Growing up...
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Hopefully we've cracked it (for now anyway)

Today is approx day 3 or 4 of my little girl having a cold, usually this is what...
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Pulmonology visit-helpful but kind of upset

Hi guys, I finally went and saw my pulmonologist today, after my asthma attac...
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Advice about temp with cough

My 7 year old son has severe asthma and takes seratide 50 as well as salbutamol....
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Hospital Car Park Now Charging Disabled :-(

I have been to my hospital today to see my consultant and they now have a new pa...
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Dr doesn't believe Cough Variant exists

Hiya, Im a newbie though Ive been reading for a while. After 6wks of really unco...
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Work - 'Temporary' Trigger - Expected to still work

A rather unusual one here. A temporary trigger for me is in place this week at ...
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Whew, quite the month

Dec 29th, I took sick with bronchitis and costochondritis (rib cage inflammation...


Since about mid december i've had persistent but fairly mild symptoms (annoying ...
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Working, blue badge, reasonable adjustment - RANT!

Hi, I have been advised by my current employers that I need to apply for a blue...
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teenager not taking medication - Help

My 14 year old has decided that taking inhalers is a waste of time. I only cotto...
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Sensation that something is stuck?

Hi again, I've had the worst rattling in my chest the last few days. Right in...
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Pleurisy pain

Hi I have just got out of COSTA after five days in from a life threatening asth...
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how specific are antibiotics

I am on flucloxacillin at the moment which is not a 'chest infection type' antib...
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pred dose

I went to a walk in center last thurs and the doc gave me a 3 day course of pred...
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Asthma symptoms

Hey all hope you are all well and not suffering too much with the cold weather...
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DLA Tribunial

Ok last minute dash on some more help haha On Thursday I have a tribunial to tr...
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Peak flow - are you meant to use muscles?!

This may be a bit stupid, but... EDIT yes it is a really stupid question which I...
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really fed up :-(

My son is 4 and of late has been suffering loads on steroids and antibiotics as ...
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Long Term Prednisone Trade-offs

At the end of last week my doctor proposed that I stay on 40mg of pred for anoth...
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Inhalers and teeth..

We have started to notice Thomas's teeth are starting to look a little yellow. I...
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Have your shopping delivered and stay in if you need to

This winter I have been using Tesco and Asda shopping on line and have been havi...
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can peak flow best change over time?

Hello again! So for the last month or so my peak flow has been always in the ye...
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How to help sleep at night

I woke up last night coughing and have to take ventolin, some water and prop mys...
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Question about exercising with symptoms

Hi guys, So I'm sick again (as you can see with my other post). But I'm a bit...
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New to asthma in my 3 year old

We think my 3.5 year old has developed asthma...just wondered if anyone has any ...
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Snow and Asthma

My two year old son would like to go out and make snowman but he is taking brown...
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