I woke up last night coughing and have to take ventolin, some water and prop myself up before falling back to sleep, is there anything else I can do to help?
How to help sleep at night: I woke up... - Asthma Community ...
How to help sleep at night
Those are all good things that can help when you jave night time asthma symptoms.
You could perhaps try taking vwntolin just before sleep although this can cause insomnia in some people.
If you are experiencing a lot of asthma symptoms or often need to use the ventolin thos can be a sign that your asthma is not very well controlled at the moment. If this is the case please make an asthma review with your asthma nurse or gp.
Rose xx
it might also help to make sure the air in your room is not too hot or cold, and that you have hypoallergenic bedding/covers. and things like making sure your bedroom isn't dusty, and no animals in there etc. just to try to minimize the number of things to trigger your asthma. but as rose said, nighttime symptoms can be a sign that things are going downhill so might be worth checking out.
Thank you have only just seen asthma nurse on Friday and was ok.now I'm very chesty and achy, should I see if settles down or go to doctors, was on steroids and.antibiotics before Xmas
Not sure if this would help you, when I struggle with sleep and have everything else has not worked I listen to my stress free app on my I Phone it gets me to focus on my breathing and I can fall asleep listening to it.
I also often end up falling asleep with an album on repeat on smartphone or mp3. Not breathing exercise tho. Just my latest fave (country,irish or pop...)
Rachel maybe you could get your gp on the phone? I imagine the achy is because of using extra muscles to breathe. So if any worse at any time or not better in a few days defo see gp. Always better to be cautious with stroppy lungs
I hope you feel better soon and get some decent sleep.
Rose xx