Hi all, I caught a cold/cough around November time, just a seasonal virus, nothing serious. I took a Covid test at the time, which was negative. But the cough, phlegm, wheezing and breathlessness has remained, unfortunately. More worryingly, having not had an asthma attack in many months, I then had two in December.
By January, I was fed up and went to my asthma nurse. Since then, we have done blood tests, all normal, sputum sample, normal, and last week, a chest x-ray - normal.
The GP has given me 2 doses of oral steroids on the past month. and the nurse has given me an additional inhaler to take alongside my fostair.
The wheezing and breathlessness is really getting me down, and today I had another asthma attack which was so so frightening.
Has anyone come across an escalation in symptoms like this which tests can't explain?
My GP and asthma nurse are at a loss. The breathlessness is affecting everything I do, and I'm genuinely scared of the next attack 😕
Thanks in advance for any help x