I have had this cold/ cough/ flu/ covid/ chest infection now forever. Was diagnosed with asthma a couple of years ago, all under control this autumn/ winter I seem to have the killer cough/ cold. I have had 2 lots of antibiotics for the vile stuff I am coughing up, they seemed to work but then a week later I am full of it again, this time I havent lost my voice though, yet. I just can't shift it, chest x ray satisfactory and sputum sample satisfactory but can't even get up the stairs in 1 go at work and I normally can. Anyone else had this, how long did it take to go? Am trying to keep going at work till break up for Xmas hols but it's hard going.
Cough, cold, coughing up grim stuff - Asthma Community ...
Cough, cold, coughing up grim stuff

I have had the same and had two courses of antibiotics and steroids for 5 days which didn’t work. Then I went to a&e and had two rounds of nebuliser meds and prescribed 3 more days of steroids and I am fine now.
I think you should go to A&E.
I've got 'flu' at the moment...thankful I had my flu jab....but it's certainly not nice to go through. If I was you I'd keep popping a sputum sample in...you never know what your going to cough up next and it might have bacteria in it that the antibiotic doesn't clear. Lots of fluids and stay warm.
Since I first had covid, it seems more difficult to get over ordinary viruses satisfactorily. I had a virus 6 weeks ago and I'm still not back to normal, so I've made alternative arrangements for Christmas. But I'm fortunate to be retired and appreciate what a struggle it is to keep going to work in such circumstances.
It might be worth seeing if your doctor will prescribe differently as the short, sharp courses aren't resolving your chest infection and letting you cope with your daily responsibilities. It might be worth chatting to the Asthma UK nurses first, just to see what your options are.
Helpline: 0300 222 5800 Mon to Fri, office hours.
Hi Lou,I read this and can totally sympathise with you.
I have tested negative for COVID and flu (swab done by hospital) however felt very unwell with something.
My peak flow did drop abit, and I've been antibiotics for 2 weeks nearly and steroids 5 days today, and still feel quite unwell.
Went to doctors on Thursday and he says my chest is as clear as a bell, yet I'm still coughing up phlegm and feeling short of breath!
Very achy and tired and just don't feel I'm picking up.
I work at a college, you sound like you work in education with referring to Xmas break?
So I may feel a bit better, lots of fluids and sleep, still have a fair bit of phlegm but maybe not as much. Keeping fingers crossed that when I finish for Xmas hols, work in primary education, that I can give it a kick and get rid of it. Will be going back or getting in contact with asthma clinic if not.