Hello. I’m new here and keen to find out if other people with asthma have experienced the symptoms I have. I have had a persistent cough for about 4 months. Generally I feel a pressure in my chest and lower throat where it feels like a can’t breath. I then cough as this feels like it relieves the pressure. This helps temporarily but then I feel the build up of a pressure again. The cough is non-productive, very deep and chesty. It can be triggered more by environmental factors such as air freshener or cut grass. However, it is there most of the time regardless. It’s impossible for me to do any kind of cardio without becoming very breathless.
Im struggling the most when I lie down to go to sleep and it feels like a heavy pressure in my chest that causes me to cough.
I’ve had a course of antibiotics and an inhaler, neither help. I have been given a peak flow meter and have a check up in 3 weeks.
Is this similar to other peoples experiences?
thanks for any help!