I've been on Clenil 250 since Becloforte ended. I have Ventolin 100 too. Been asthmatic for 33yrs.
I tried 'Easy Halers' a couple of years ago but didn't get on with them. I prefer PMDIs.
So, recently the asthma nurse suggested I try Symbicort 200/6. I said I'd try it and see and then get back to them but not immediatley as I still have some PMDIs and wouldn't waste them.
I have been having some trouble with my ICS getting blocked before being empty. So was seeking an alternative expecting a PMDI but this Symbicort is a turbohaler.
Has anyone switched to these meds this way, I've never had Budesonide or Formotorol before.
Anyone gone from PMDI to Turbohaler and what was their experience, good or bad?
Thanks all.