The Foster inhaler doesn't work too well for me. When I made my routine analyses in May, before taking Foster, they were normal. At the end of July, after taking Foster for a whole month twice in the morning and twice in the evening, I repeated them, and one of the liver markers, GTP showed an increased value. I want to replace the Foster inhaler with another one that doesn't have any alcohol in its composition. Is there any inhaler that has the same effects as Foster, but no ethanol in it? Thank you!
Is there any asthma inhaler that does... - Asthma Community ...
Is there any asthma inhaler that doesn't contain ethanol?

Ethanol will be in the propellant so any powder inhaler should be alcohol free but will probably contain lactose instead
Hi!Thank you! Then, why do I feel a small ethanol taste in my mouth when I apply it?
Sorry I'm not sure what your saying?
Any MDI inhaler (the compressed aerosol type) will probably use some form of alcohol/ethanol as part of the propellant
However a powder inhaler PMDI ( also called dry powder inhalers) won't have alcohol in them (as there isn't a propellant) but they do often contain lactose
What inhaler were you on before, and is there a reason you can't switch back if the current one isn't agreeing with you? There are alcohol-free inhalers, but it's difficult to say what will have the 'same effect' as the one you are on, because everyone responds differently.
I'm not sure whether the Foster inhaler is to blame for my problems. I will check it with my doctor. I just thought it could be one of the causes of the growth of one of the transaminases in the liver. I believe this because in May, before starting to take Foster and I did my tests, I had no problems with my liver.