Does anyone feel that over time, Montekulast loses its effectiveness?
montekulast and time: Does anyone feel... - Asthma Community ...
montekulast and time
I remember years ago being put on Montekulast - Never did me any good at all and remembering, I did not like how I felt with it, sorry can;t be more of a help.
I'm on Montelukast. I feel it works for me. But last year I was switched from Symbicort to Trimbow. I felt that Symbicort was no longer working for me. I put this down to my asthma getting worse with age. It;s a good question as to whether medication can lose its effectiveness.
I'm only into my second month being on monteklukast about 6 weeks and it's made a tremendous difference to me, I've never really thought about our bodies buildings up a resistance to medication
It hasn't for me (I found that out the hard way when I had to stop it temporarily) but I know it can for some people.
A friend's consultant said it wasn't a useful drug for adults and would always lose its effectiveness even in people it did work for initially. I think that was a silly thing for him to say and far too generalised. People have different responses - it can be helpful and stay helpful for some people, but for some it doesn't work and others it doesn't stay effective.
So it is definitely possible it isn't working as well for you now as it did before - but don't stop it without medical supervision, because I was wrong about it not working anymore for me.