So the time has finally come to me having to go on a flight. I’m feeling nervous and just after some tips & comfort. It’s not a long flight, but I think it’s being trapped if there’s an issue that makes me nervous! I think it will do me good going on it and not experiencing any asthma problems will make me feel a lot more confident, and avoiding flying because I’m nervous is not a great idea. No one doctor wise seems to think flying is a problem, and with my current medications I rarely have to use my asthma pump.
Time to Fly: So the time has finally... - Asthma Community ...
Time to Fly

We had this conversation three months ago, and your main problem was anxiety which seems to trigger your asthma, try and visualize yourself travelling by plane a few times it might help.
Try thinking of flying as an extension of using other transport, if you travel in a car there are some roads you can stop on and some you shouldn’t, if you travel by bus it will only stop at set points, if you travel by train again it only stops at set points and the further you go the more infrequent the stops are, and in a plane the stops are a bit further apart. Keep your medication handy as well as some music or a book in case the problem is anxiety not asthma and then you can distract your self.
So do neither of you experience any issues when flying? I’m not sure whether to take my inhaler beforehand takeoff just incase. Yeh still have a bit of anxiety with it.. how could you tell? Ha! I am much better than I was a few months back though! I think I’m just nervous because normally In bad bad situations I am calm & collected and know kinda what to do, and everyone looks at me like what do we do. But for the first time I don’t know what to do and I’m not confident in it and it just makes me feel vulnerable!
Hi! Since my asthma got significantly more troublesome, i have gone quite a few times, most flights of less than 3 hours duration. Just now I am in Marrakech for a week. It was a three and a half hour flight. I have never noticed any effect on my asthma. I always carry my inhalers with me in case, but they have never come out due to flying, either just before or during, and that includes once when I flew about 3 weeks after having needed inpatient care for asthma for a few days. We are all different, but though there are things that cause me concern (like smoke, scents, cold air etc),flying isn’t one of them. So, I think it unlikely you need to worry at all.
Carry your meds with you and sweets to suck helps me with panic. Say to yourself here i go and have a wonderful stress and asthma free time😊 enjoy
Goodness! Take your flight and enjoy it, you lucky thing! Remember, there are all professional drivers up there. Wouldn't it be nice if we had professional drivers for all cars! The best thing to do is keep busy. Take something that will absorb your mind completely. For me, it's analyzing a score of music. Take a security item. (I always take my teddy bear! He also makes a great pillow.) Talk to your neighbor. Your neighbor might be a nervous flyer and would welcome the conversation. Try to desensitize by watching people get on and off planes very happily. If all else fails, there are many "fly without fear" courses online. I took one many years ago! Keep your meds with you, but you probably won't need them with all the filtered air. Good luck. Let us know how it goes!
I’ve never particularly enjoyed flying, but I’ve always been okay. It’s the asthma that worries me, that take off / landing will leave struggling for breath and then I’ll panic. I’m fairly new to asthma, hence why it’s worries me now rather than before. Thank you for your message! I’m feeling more positive
How do you deal with panic attacks day to day? It is good to have a plan so that you feel you have a choice. If you know that you can cope with a panic attack then you have a plan for flying. You can say to your self, "Okay if this happens then I can do xyz." There are lots of tips on-line for visualisation on dealing with an attack.
Secondly is there any reason why you think flying might cause an asthma attack? The air is filtered which is a good thing. Are you going with someone? Talk to them so that you both feel confident about how you would deal with your anxiety and concerns. Sit back and enjoy your trip!
Hi Thommo90
Your will be fine , I was nervous of flying since I was diagnosed with Asthma in 2016 I managed a shoRte flight first, then last year I went on a longer one to Canada , As long as you have your Inhalers with you , You will be fine. If your worried about flying try a cruise, instead.
So guys, I have flown abroad and back and was absolutely fine! In fact the 2 days leading up to the flight I was far more nervous than I was on the actually flight! I did take my inhaler before take off just for the sake of it! Feeling a bit more brave everyday!