Hi there. I have severe asthma and have frequent exacerbations needing pred and or hospital treatment despite adhering to my asthma plan. Have just purchased the smart asthma home monitoring system that measures and tracks peak flow, tracks symptoms and Inhaler use for up to 2 inhalers. Has anyone else with severe asthma used this and found it helpful?
Smart asthma app and monitoring system - Asthma Community ...
Smart asthma app and monitoring system

Not used it, but sounds similar to my old fashioned asthma diary,which I found very useful.
It helped me identify a lot of the things that irritated my asthma.
I used to use a diary that I had to manually enter stuff into. It was useful but this seems better as it comes with a peak flow that connects to your phone via Bluetooth and also has caps that fit over preventer and reliever inhalers to log when and how much you use them. It lets you know when your rescue inhaler is runner low as they don't come with a counter. Thought it was worth a go to try to get better control
It sounds good. It will also hopefully provide a good long term history. My asthma varies depending on time of year, with different weather and pollen.
So when assessing the effect of an inhaler change I want to compare peak flows in say May 2024 with May 2023, rather than say April 2024.
Tell us how you get on with it.
Will do. Currently on second course of 40mg pred for 5 days plus more to wean down slowly plus second lot of Doxycycline, 8 puffs of Fostair and 2 of Spiriva plus Ventolin so pretty maxed out on meds at the moment and still not controlled. Just trying to stay out of A&E and get better insight and control.

I am on two puffs of alvesco 160, fostair 100 mart up to 8 puffs and 2 of spiriva and of course salamol, I have finally started to come under control. A couple of attacks a day, but minor. Last pred was January, last a and e was September.
If you want somebody to chat about it with ring the asthma UK helpline on 0300 2225800, office hours. The nurses there are very knowledgeable and can talk you through it all. I hate being a little at the mercy of my medics, the asthma UK nurses helped me boost my knowledge levels, gave me a bit more control.
Just read your comment on another thread about Luforbec. Definitely talk to your doctor about going back on Fostair, as there have been many posts about poor asthma control after changing to Luforbec.
I tried the smart asthma peak flow reader a grew years ago but just couldn't get along with it. It seemed to measure my peak flow differently than my usual manual peak flow reader. I sent it back in the end and got a refund.

I have used it but gave up as it caused issues with my consultant. Who is still being a massive pain about it and insisting my home peak flow is unreliable even after I told him I went back to manual and my technique there has been approved by the team. The physiologist on the team explained to me that you need a different technique for peak flow and FEV1, so basically if you do use it then do separate readings for peak flow and FEV1.
I have generally found my peak flow reads higher on digital monitors vs manual, even when I do it in clinic with guidance. For that reason I prefer to stick to manual as it's what they use in hospital (except the clinic which uses digital). I already have an unusually high best peak flow despite severe asthma, so going higher doesn't help as it makes it look like everything is fine.
It may well be fine for you, but just wanted to share my experience.
Thank you for your feedback. I thought I would trial it to see if it improves my asthma control. Last seen by resp clinic at hospital in 2021 despite having severe asthma which is still resulting in A&E visits, admissions and repeated steroid courses.
Ah wow that's a while especially considering you're not controlled! Do they offer nurse clinics? Mine doesn't do frequent regular appointments but you can contact the nurses and ask to be seen.
I emailed them last time I was in, twice and they didn't reply to me
that's not good. Is it a tertiary/specialist severe asthma clinic? Can you ask your GP to refer you somewhere else?
It's the respiratory clinic at my local hospital. I live in Somerset. Hospital is the main one for the area but is massively overstretched. Last time I went to A&E they had to treat me in the triage room because no room anywhere. Then finally moved to majors, then minors, then corridor overnight. Then off to discharge lounge put on a drip, given IV antibiotics, steroids and salbutamol and ipratotropium nebs before being sent home.
Do use Yr additional fostair while unwell & increase salbutamol,as per asthma plan.ru on montelukast & antihistamines? I've read up previously on the smart app.hope it helps u x
Thanks for your reply. I have upped my Luforbec to 2 puffs 4 times a day. I am also on Montelukast, Spiriva Respimat and antihistamines. Went back to GP on Thursday. They have given me another week of 40mg prednisolone (3rd lot now) plus enough to wean down slowly and put in urgent referral back to respiratory. GP has said they can't give me anything else so go to A&E if it gets any worse.
What is the symptom tracking like on this, is it mainly geared up for tracking peak flow or can you record other symptoms and frequency as well?
It's not that great tbh. Think I will return it. It reads my PF as much higher than manual reading, doesn't seem to be able to accurately track my inhaler use and only lets you rate your symptoms as mild, moderate or severe. Doesn't allow you to specify what symptoms you are experiencing. I think it's a good idea but the technology doesn't seem to be quite there yet. Also if you have blue tooth adapter for the PF meter it only works when you are stood beneath a light source.