Hi all - I posted here in early December after a trip to India set my asthma off because of the dreadful pollution. I saw a fabulous doctor who threw everything at me - nebulizer, antibiotics, steroids, Omeprazole, cough medicine and an antihistamine - which calmed it all down. He did say he couldn't hear any wheezing or rattling when he examined me. Sadly, I caught a horrible bug on the plane coming back which I thought I'd got rid of, but the bloody thing won't go and I'm coughing like nothing on earth again. I've no wheezing and don't feel as if it's on my chest but am at my wits end with it all. Really don't want steroids again as they give me heartburn and an increased heart rate and am wondering if it is actually asthma or something else? Any advice gratefully received ...
Coughing again ...: Hi all - I posted... - Asthma Community ...
Coughing again ...

Unfortunately the only advice I can give is go back to your Gp, respiratory team, or specialist nurse to try and get to the bottom of the problem. I dont think anybody is happy taking steriods, however if that helps with the on going problem it might be worth reconsidering giving them a try.
Sorry to hear this Padders. There are times when steroids are a necessary evil to those of us who feel so awful taking them. Do you already use inhalers?, I cant remember.
If you're given steroids again take my advice and set alarm for 5 am, set a cracker or two to line your stomach plus a glass of water & your steroids (oatcake is my choice because it swells in the stomach) then go back to sleep. Taking it early am helps a lot with getting a decent night's sleep . I hate taking them however they really help take down the inflammation which is making you cough.
Doctors can tell a lot through their stethoscopes, so many different noises pointing to different diagnoses......wheezing, crackles- usually infection, rasping - pleurisy, the sound of bellows is another.
The helpline is open from 09.15 on 2nd but really you need to see a GP asap. Check out your surgery's website, GPs usually specialise in something so choose the respiratory one.
Did the doc in India do a covid test? I ask because it seems that some lungs take much longer to recover from it. In the meantime check out youtube for deep diaphragm breathing and pursed lip breathing to help calm the lungs/coughing.
Let us know how you get on.
in the UK Doctors don't just give out nebulizers. they tell you to take 10 puffs of the blue inhaler. do take your inhalers every morning and nigh? do you check your peak flow every morning and night? have you had any allergy tests? do you use your spacer when you take ur inhalers?
Saw the GP - I'm doing everything right but now, as well as the continued problems from the smog in India, I have a sinus infection. So, no steroids but antibiotics and lansaprazole to fix the heartburn from the steroids. Nothing on my chest - clear as a bell. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to reply.
Have u tested for covid? Viral coughs ths winter r lingering even in people with no lung probs.Have u tried lozenges? A tspn clear honey is gd for coating throat.i also gargle with water,mainly,as far back as I can.i find it relaxes throat and can calm the cough.x
As an alternative (or addition) to honey: a friend who developed a bad cough just before appearing in a play was told by the producer to suck chocolate to coat the throat. I always felt that was good advice, whether it helps the cough or not 😊…
Yes, I have and it's not covid. Got lozenges, am drinking honey, lemon & thyme tea and gargling with salt water. The GP said there are some horrible sinus/cough viruses going around and I've just been unlucky. Thanks for replying Patk1.
Hope you feel better soon. There really has been some nasty illness about. Even family who don't usually suffer have ended up with antibiotics this last week or so.