Just started Fostair nextinhaler this week whilst in hospital for acute severe asthma. Have a very dry mouth & angular stomatitis (cracks in corner of mouth). Does anyone else have the same issues?
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Fostair & dry mouth

hi there, I have been taking a relatively high dose of Fostair since March this year with no problems. Are you using a spacer with your inhaler? Spacers are great for maximising the dose to your lungs and minimising the oral cavity problems that can be associated with a steroid inhaler. The other piece of advice I was given was to rinse and gargle with plain water straight after using the inhaler and everything has been fine. If you don’t have a spacer, ask your healthcare provider to prescribe one, and Good luck with getting everything sorted!
just re read the post, sorry, you might be on an inhaler that is breath actuated? In that case, you don’t use a spacer with them, sorry!! Rinsing and gargling is still good advice though. As is telling the HCP about the mouth problems as they may be able to switch meds or give something to help. Good luck again 😊
Thanks so much for your comments. Yes it is a breath actuated device (FostairNEXT)
My father (who’s a dentist) suggested the angular stomatitis is due to my dry mouth - dry mouth being a new symptom since the medication started last week, although I’m aware that also having over a week of regular iptratropium & Salbutamol nebs 6x day in hospital may have also contributed to my dry mouth too. So was just asking if anyone else had dry mouth from Fostair.
hi, I've been on both strengths of the Nexthaler over a number of years and not had a dry mouth problem, so it could be the nebs. Personally I've never bothered with rinsing, I usually use my inhaler before a brew so I think that must wash away any residue
According to the patient leaflet, Fostair can cause dry mouth in some patients. I've taken Fostair NEXThaler for around 4 years now and I combat the oral side effects by drinking before and after each inhalation, then I rinse once I've finished my 2 inhalations, then brush my teeth (no rinsing at this stage). Wait at least 20 minutes then gargle. I use Densify toothpaste, as any steroid inhaler will have an effect on oral health, especially tooth enamel.
I would also check that you're nasal breathing rather than mouth breathing, as the latter will dry your mouth and lips. But the angular stomatitis is nothing I've seen on the forum before. It might be worth checking your Vit A & B levels, and using vaseline in the meantime.
I’m on Fostair, use a spacer and rinse my mouth afterwards. The days I forget to rinse I notice the dry mouth.
hi mate i was taken off seretide 500 & was asked totry fostair - but had to stop after just 3 days as it was making me cough constantly - dr swapped it for trimbow inhaler & seems to be doing the trick so far not needed steroids - prendnisolone now for a month whereas this year was worst yet & i had to get steroid prendnisolone tablets every month this year
Dry mouth is common, and leg pain. Rinse your mouth out/brush your teeth after your puff and it should help, and prevent thrush in your mouth.
Yes , I do I use a dry mouth wash which helps with the issues that come with forstair next inhaler