Hi just a check in with photo of current issue started on my birthday May 12th 2023.
Throat closed very sore throat with voice loss at points if talking more than few sentences, can't swallow more than few sips of water. vomiting bile, a month ago after mri which was very close to chest that i felt moving sensation in chest which i dont normally, i vomited with quite a lot of blood the next day. Breathing when laying down became difficult so not sleeping well. Bp shoots up when get up in morning been having laboured breathing and coughing, new itchy patch like hives on chin. havent managed to get to de as not waking up in time for appointment. Using maximum dose of inhaler (blue reliever) i take singulaair/montleukast for years now but unable to have steroids. Not sure what to do and if picture of my throat is anything to worry about or not.
will add photo when phone charged up, laptop wont accept format of photo file o n here.
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Update from dr or HCA/Nurse I saw at appointment
Very dehydrated allergic throat reaction to something
Large lumps in back of throat assumed to be polyps
No treatment given just told to take paracetamol as allergic/intolerant to steroids and penicillin and she was unable to get a throat swab from me to check for infection
didn’t think I’d make it through the night but luckily had my son with me bringing me regular drinks and holding my hand when I was terrified
Glad to be feeling a lot better today still really rough but keeping to myself and resting. Can see some small gaps at back of throat now so swelling has gone down some.
Lesson learnt will never get dehydrated again if I can help it. Mind you can’t help vomiting. Gargling with salt water like warm from kettle is amazingly beneficial for sore throats. Xx