I recently changed from the normal pink inhaler to the Nexthaler. I don't seem to be getting the same benefits. Anyone else found the same?
Nexthaler - any comments?: I recently... - Asthma Community ...
Nexthaler - any comments?

Have a word with yr pharmacist.sometimes takes a bit to get used to new formula
Are you breathing it in too hard or not hard enough? ... the nexthaler is powder and requires quite an amount of inhale to get it into your lungs .... they are also a higher equivalency to standard beclomethasone and so should be better than the standard fostair mdi
Fostair MDI (ie the pink inhaler) is also extrafine particles and like the Fostair Nexthaler, you need less of it to get the same effect. The difference is between Fostair, all types, and other inhalers with non-extrafine beclomethasone, rather than between different types of Fostair.
The two inhalers should be giving you basically the same dose, but people do have preferences for MDI Vs dry powder in how easy they find it to take.
Boom 1875, if you're finding it hard to take dry powder then it might be better to stick with the one you had - could you discuss with your asthma nurse or GP? Do you know why they switched you? Environmental reasons alone shouldn't ever override what works for someone, if that was behind the switch.
It was environmental reasons. If the original is available still, I'll ask to go back to it. Thanks for the advice.
Ugh they're really not meant to do that if you're happy/better on MDI! If needed, you could point out that apparently the biggest contributor to emissions from inhalers is salbutamol MDI. Which people will use more of if they aren't well controlled on their preventers... But regardless, the guidance says the patient comes first in this.
Thanks again. Really helpful
i recently changed from green inhaler two 2 times a day to next in haler i find the next i9nhaler better makes my chest feel a bit easier
It took me a little while to get used to the NEXThaler, but now I by far prefer it as I find it easier and also I like the dose counter. I use Ventolin as the reliever and would prefer a NEXThaler for that as well. Someone I know was prescribed the NEXThaler and could not get on with it at all. Not everything suits all of us. Good luck with finding the best one for you. x
Hi, I had the same problem a while back and had to go back to the puffer.
To understand why, what I did was to open as if ready to use and tip the powder onto a dark surface to see how much came out, nothing came out and I tried this half a dozen times, I then showed the pharmacy and they agreed that the unit was faulty. No power came out so no benefits when using it. I then stripped the unit down and the tank was half full of powder when the counter dial showed zero. I then contacted the manufacturers and returned the unit and they claimed that it was working fine. The inhaler was really good when it was working though.Its worth a shot to see how much powder comes out.
That was my experience.
I have both a Fostair MDI which I use with a spacer and a Nexthaler which I take out with me. When I was first started on the Nexthaler I struggled with it and when my peak flow was sub 50% I couldn’t manage to inhale the powder effectively. So I was switched to the MDI through my spacer. Now my asthma is slightly better controlled (peak flow around 70% most days) I find the Nexthaler easy to use and have stopped coating my mouth with a lot of it.
I am on a MART regime hence taking the Nexthaler out with me as I am fairly useless at using the MDI without a spacer.
Have you watched the Nexthaler video? asthmaandlung.org.uk/living...
I also found it helped to have my OH video me so I could see my technique compared to the video. The inhalation technique for both normal Fostair and the Nexthaler is very different.
I've had the reverse happen with Seretide, since switching to the powdered version after years of struggling on the MDI my asthma has been better, I think sometimes people tolerate different methods of delivery.