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Short of breath since pandemic

CuriousAboutHealing profile image


Just hoping for some advice or ideas from anyone :)

I first started getting short of breath in March 2020, it was around when the pandemic was first kicking off in the UK.

I therefore have been unable to get the normal tests to help diagnose my breathing issue. I have done a peakflow meter (which shows that it goes up an down but not by much) and tried a blue salbutamol inhaler (which I feel no relief from). I can walk, talk, eat, sleep no problem. It's just like my inhale is half what is used to be (I do yoga everyday so am very aware of my previous lovely long breaths).

It seems to be like this now all the time, although worse on certain days. I notice that stress, tiredness, an upset stomach and my period all make it worse.

Anyway, they are suggesting I try a small dose of beclometazone inhaler for 6 weeks to see if this helps - to diagnose it as asthma or not. I am super reluctant to try it as i read some awful things about side effects (in rare cases effecting mood and brain etc).

There doesn't seem to be much info or common knowledge on this as it isn't even mentioned on the nhs website etc. I've had crazy side effects to medicines before so I'm always now wary of trying new meds!

Anyway my symptoms are tight chest (sometimes inc. throat), shortness of breath - mainly on my inhale. I don't get a racing heart, or anxiety feelings, or a cough, or a wheeze. It seems to be worse when I've sat around in the morning for a long time, rather than moved about. I struggle to breath while sitting upright doing a meditative yoga pose.. so it sucks but at the moment I'm putting off doing anything about it as I'm worried to get some weird side effects from the steroid inhaler.

Basically... I can manage without any inhaler but it just doesn't feel good. It makes it difficult to do any good amount of exercise as I struggle to get much air in if i run for a minute or so for instance. I need to build my fitness but regardless of that my breathing has changed for the worse since march 2020.

Oh and I do take antihistamines everyday as I have a grass pollen allergy which gives me itchy throat and runny eyes and nose. Going out in hayfever season doesn't seem to make the breath much different tho...

Also may be worth noting I used to smoke, but quit and then used a vape for a couple years.. when this breathing issue started i immediately quit using the vape in case that was what caused it.

The only difference is that i moved into my bf's house during the first lockdown... but other than that lifestyle is the same. if anything I'm less stress/ anxious than i was before this started... so i don't think it is anxiety, at least it doesn't feel like it to me and I'm aware of what anxiety feels like - i occassionally used to get it an it would turn my stomach upside down and i'd feel like the floor was falling out from under me! When I most notice this breath issue I am usually feeling relaxed.. okay etc.

Sorry such a long message, I just thought maybe someone could shed their light in my direction and help me end the stagnation of indecision on what to do! :D

Part of me just wants to wait till the spirometry and feno tests come back post pandemic... but i have no idea how long that will be or how silly that is.

Thank you so much


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CuriousAboutHealing profile image
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12 Replies

Oh, also may be worth noting I do have issues with my stomach as well, so I don't know if this could be a cause. Nothing too extreme mind you just seem to get upset/ bloating etc a lot. As yet undiagnosed but thought to be IBS.. I am now eliminating foods to help and it is sort of working :)

twinkly29 profile image

Side effects from steroid inhalers are really not anything to worry about - most people get no noticeable effects from most medication, they just have to list everything ever reported - but some of these will have been coincidental anyway.

However, all sorts of things can cause the symptoms you describe, particularly anxiety and stress which would also fit with the timing of when it all started. Anxiety can present in many ways at different times in different people so knowing how it can feel is one thing but that doesn't mean it will always or only feel as you describe.

The fact that peak flow changes are minimal, the inhaler doesn't really help and your symptoms of tightness in the throat and chest and shortness of breath being on inhalation don't really scream asthma.

This might be worth a read:

All that said, the main ways to investigate asthma are

1) to try a blue inhaler and monitor peak flow (so doing peak flow (best of 3 goes), using blue inhaler and redoing peak flow, again best of 3, 15 mins later). This should be done each time the blue is used to build a picture.

2) trying a steroid inhaler. This should be done for a couple of months as they take this long to become fully effective. In addition to the peak flow for the blue inhaler, it should also be measured twice a day every day during this trial, ideally before using the steroid inhaler. The data collected over the 8 weeks helps the doctor to decide if it's likely to be asthma.

Yes breathing tests can be carried out at some point but the inhaler/peak flow monitoring is much better over time. One breathing test done on one day can be normal but the person does have asthma. The inhaler way is a bigger picture.

Silent reflux can also cause asthma-like symptoms and only present that way - so tightness etc but no heartburn.

CuriousAboutHealing profile image
CuriousAboutHealing in reply to twinkly29

Thanks for your thoughts and advice on it, i will check the link :). I have been told that before about anxiety... i still don't feel like it is that but who knows, the timing is interesting as you say.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to CuriousAboutHealing

Anxiety is weird - especially when sometimes there's an obvious trigger or reason and sometimes there's not. But then when it presents differently and one doesn't necessarily overtly feel something is a particular cause, it gets weirder!

The stuff in the link to do with breathing exercises for dysfunctional breathing can also work for anxiety so might be worth a go.

Bodies should be easier to fathom though. They should try harder at that!

Hmmm, I read the links, thanks for your reply again! :)

I see your point and have heard this before. It may be worth noting that i noticed i get a better breath in a specific yoga pose. The chair twist pose on one side really helps me get a deeper breath in, like it opens one side of my lungs more.

It's funny because of yoga I already do a lot of these breathing exercises, i had got my breath to a point of being longer on inhale and exhale than most people i know, it was glorious. But now I can't do that at all...

I do belly breathing, I do box breath etc and they don't seem to help much with the shortness. I am lucky if I get the odd deeper breath sometimes. Yoga does calm me a lot and has always made me feel better mentally and physically, but I have found it doesn't seem to do much for this breath thing - except the chair twist pose and the occasional deep breath in child's pose.

Thanks for your time :)

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to CuriousAboutHealing

It may be that other avenues in terms of treatment would be the answer, not necessarily the ones in the link. But I guess the underlying point is that many things that are not asthma can cause similar symptoms and that the correct cause needs to be addressed because only then can it be sorted. So for anxiety, it might be relaxed breathing exercises or listening to music or medication or talking therapy. Or any number of other things. Similarly for other causes, other solutions are no doubt available!

Lizzypink profile image

Hi there! Just wondering if it’s your hormones? I’ve had the same issue and do yoga meditation etc. I’m in perimenopause and have never had this issue till this started, I’ve read so much on respiratory issues with rising or falling hormone levels, this combined with the pandemic really frightened me.. all combined, gave me anxiety and panic.. I can manage that side of it.. but the short breath moments remain at times, which I write in a diary everyday, and it’s always same time around my cycle.. before and after my period, eating lots of fresh veg(broccoli etc, has a natural lowering lEsterogen effect. I use essential oils to help too! Hope you can get some answers and rule the hormones out.. they play such a big role in our everyday life! Good luck to you and best wishes.

Kekememe1 profile image
Kekememe1 in reply to Lizzypink

I agree with you. I tend to get that asthma flare up around my phantom period time of month, also some anxiety/irritability. A lot of heart pounding too. Magnesium sometimes take the edge off, but mostly, just time relieves the anxious feelings. My asthma meds and prednisone takes care of the breathing issues.

Wheezycat profile image

I agree with Twinkly that it doesn't scream asthma. You said that breathing in is especially hard. In asthma it is breathing out that is hard, and as your lungs expand with the air breathing in also becomes harder. But the first bit is that breathing out is hard - though I know some find it hard to tell.

Poobah profile image

Have you changed your diet in any way, such as change from dairy to plant based? Omega 6 in higher amounts (it's in a lot of foods and oils considered healthy) can be inflammatory to some folk - soya milk was a huge trigger for exacerbating my asthma, it made me very ill. Intermittent fasting can be beneficial for IBS and I've been trying this since early May (recently adopted keto too) and my health is so much better, especially my asthma, blood pressure and digestive system.

It's interesting that you recognise one particular yoga move helps open up your lung. It may prove beneficial, especially if you want a natural approach, to learn more about Buteyko and how to improve our breathing mechanisms. My respiratory physio recommended that I can learn much from Buteyko and I must admit it helps when I do the breathing exercises.

But I would definitely try the steroid inhaler. The amounts are low in comparison to steroid tablets and targeted to the lungs. A trial of 8 weeks will show improvement if it's the answer. If you don't have any improvement then at least you know its something you can stop taking.

I hope you find the right solution.

Jo2006 profile image

Hi I too had shortness of breath and a tight feeling in my throat that started with Covid in March 2020. My consultant tried me with Spiriva which you breathe in first thing in the morning. This has helped enormously. Good luck.(I am also asthmatic and have Bronchiectasis)

Aww, thank you all for your comments. Lots to consider there. I am vegetarian and have recently tried removing dairy and other bits from my diet as I have mild ibs symptoms sometimes. I already avoid soy in big quantities ...overall I think my diet is quite healthy(lots of veg, nuts, beans, pulses, egg)

It will be a relief to figure the thing with my breath out but I'm still scared to try the inhaler ! I get so worried about side effects especially any risk of something psychological since I've had some struggles in the past that I do my best to overcome :) I don't know if I'm just being ridiculous from seeing a few published medical articles about it but...

I can't get it from my mind now!

I'm glad that your inhaler has helped Jo2006! What a coincidence on the timing, but I suppose it has been stressful.

I will have to research this Buteyko thank you Poobah!

Also.. interesting about the breathing out being asthma thing as it is defo the inhale restriction mostly for me.

As for hormones... I did recently get a thyroid check that was basically the tiniest bit off the norm, but I rechecked it later and it was fine. So.. I have no idea. To be honest it seems to be worse on my period but also when i'm tired or stressed.. i'm usually tired and stressed on my period so.. who knows haha could be hormones?

I mean most health stuff is worse when tired and stressed so that doesn't give me much indication unfortunately..

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