ok here are some things that helped me lately
i am not a doctor i dont know your condition so your pulmonologist is your best friend stick with him her or find another good one it took me 2 goes to get the right one
i am a stage 4 asthmatic 3 or four times a year in A and E just run out of puff and cough a lot , I am 54 i have asthma with about 10 years , i know the fear of will i end up in a corner with a tank of oxygen soon enough,
My asthma has gotten worse over time i do have a kind of permanent frog in my throat sometime i am clearing my throat constantly some times not for hours but i have it every day , is that caused by my symbicort or not i don't know .
don't try any thing too nuts i tried a herbalist i persuaded myself i was getting better i ended up in A & E .
after struggling for a year with a collapsed arch i put on 2 stone.
I decided to do something to reduce weight so cut out meals , only 2 a day and sometimes 1 , its not easy and i cut down on carbs , strangely the biggest thing i gave up was boiled rice almost cut it out completely i loved the stuff .
the other thing is after a battery of tests and over 3 years my pulmonologist put me on a sleep apnea machine on it now 6 months in feel better.
in the last 6 weeks the other changes are that carbs down eating down and no boiled rice i deep cleaned my house pulled out furniture damp cloth cleaned everything base boards etc there was a lot of dust.hovered like a mad man
I actually noticed how well i was going by accident spend 40 minutes cutting hedges with a petrol hedge cutter usually five minutes and i have to stop.
I would be unemployed if i had a physically demanding job and still feel that way.
I pay stupid money for health insurance but if i cannot work i cannot make money so think about it people.
i never leave the house without my symbicort and my ventolin not using the ventolin these days puff symbicort once twice a day at present.
I would recommend everyone get a sleep apnea test .
I am not there but i am much better i feel like breathing is doing me good again
my peak flow is 350 at present 5 years ago it was 480
maybe now is the time to get fitter.
All i can say is work with your pulmonologist and do what he says met a girl i know with years told me she is killed with asthma going to my pulmonologist she smokes he told her if you cant help yourself i cannot help you please do not come back to me ,
I cannot understand how anyone could smoke with asthma One week on smokes and i know i would be 1/2 dead
Oh yeah i did get 4 teeth out about 6 weeks ago at least 2 were old root canals for got about that !!!!!!!!!!!
thats my 2 pence worth