Hi everyone, just wanted to say thank you I find this forum so helpful and reassuring that there are so many of us experience the same problems, not that makes it ok but knowing others have the same symptoms and issues helps me get through the days. I wonder if I can…. ask does anyone else have this symptom? I had such intense stabbing pains in my chest yesterday whilst I was at work, my colleagues called an ambulance as they thought I was having a heart attack Thankfully on arrival at hospital and tests completed my heart is all good and the doctors are saying it was an asthma attack? I was SOB and after the pains my chest did tighten and normal ventolin required, but definitely not me fighting for breath as I do during a “normal” attack! All very strange, oh an my peak flow was better than usual?
I have been placed on high dose of prednisolone for 10 days, have a doctors appointment today and been asked to inform my asthma team at Queens med.
I am already on a maintenance dose of prednisolone whilst I am waiting for biologics, I take spiriva, fostair, montelukast, cetrazine and beconase, so thought I had seen most symptoms by now, but obviously not?
Sorry for the long post, would really appreciate any feedback, thank you 😞