Since last night, I have had pain in my ribs on my back where my chest is and I've checked my peak flow tonight and it's down from 350 to around 230. My ribs are also sore on my front as well.
I am unsure on whether this is my asthma trying to flare up or what. I can't talk to my doctor's as they don't seem to understand or believe me when I tell them I am not feeling well.
I did a covid-19 rapid test yesterday and it came back negative so I know its not that. I did have my first vaccination last Sunday.
For my asthma, I am on fostair 200/6); salbutamol (biggest dose you can) - 2 puffs as and when I need it; and also montelukast (20mg) at night.
Does anyone have any advice on what this might be or can advice me on what actions I should take next. I'm not ringing my doctor's tomorrow as they don't listen or believe me.