This weekend I had my appointment with the respiratory/ asthma consult after waiting around 6 months due to COVID. It was overall very positive and the doctor was lovely and really took the time to listen to me, and agreed that my level of control isn’t acceptable at all.
He sent off some bloods to check my immune system as I’ve had recurrent chest infections requiring antibiotics and steroids every time, plus they always set my breathing back a lot.
He has also prescribed another inhaler but I’m not sure what it actually is yet as the prescription isn’t through yet. Feeling a little overwhelmed as I’ve now got 3 inhalers and a nasal spray, plus breathing exercises for chest clearance to do everyday, on top of all my other medications - it feels like a lot but it’ll be worth it if it helps me finally get this under control!
I hope you are all as well as possible and managing okay as things open back up again!