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Questions about asthma, if you can help

ash6 profile image
3 Replies

So i am going to go right back to the start as im thinking to much about my breathing lately. 12 years ago i had a mental breakdown and i didnt go out for 6 years, i was 20 when it started.

And i was just sitting in my room smoking far to many cigarettes and not being active, so i started to feel breathless and the doctor put me on inhalers and said i had asmtha and i didnt still to it to be honest.

Then 6 years ago i started getting my life back etc and i was still having health anxiety, nore so about my breathing so my new doctor said i do have asthma and started changing inhlaers etc.

But the worry and constant focus on my breathing as always remained. Fast forward to today and iam 32 yrs old the heaviest i have been by a mile and im currently on the below meds for asthma and ill be totally honest

Symbicort- i usually forget to take it first thing in the morning so usually 5pm and 11pm ill use it. Not good i know

Montelukast- very inconsistent with these

Spirivia- this is a new addition so just 2 puffs daily, again usually in the afternoon

I also have tablets to help thin mucus as i get a lot stuck in my throat and a tablet for reflux but again im so hit and miss as i forget.

I have had two CT scans recently and two chest x rays and the report from the specialist said no signs of any damage other than light scarring at bottom of lungs which we knew about, no signs of COPD.

I dont know if my anxiety is making things worse and i definitely need a routine with my meds.

Any advice will be awesome

And thank you for reading this

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ash6 profile image
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3 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

Hi,You're right that you do need a routine with your meds - could you set alarms in your phone or something for morning and evening?

Anxiety absolutely can make asthma symptoms worse in some people. Amxiety symptoms can be very similar, if not identical, to asthma symptoms and they can

- be a trigger for asthma in some people

- exist alongside asthma (not affecting it but causing extra symptoms that look like asthma)

- exist without asthma at all (ie they mimic asthma and people think they have or are told they have asthma but it isn't asthma).

This post explains more about asthma mimics (including anxiety):

but the key thing is that they look and feel like asthma but needed to be treated in a different way as asthma treatments don't help.

However....your situation is a bit complex. It sounds like doctors have thrown meds at you in increasing numbers without ensuring you're taking the previous ones as prescribed - this isn't your fault but they should be doing that.

Even in solely asthma, they should be ensuring meds are taken as prescribed and new meds given proper, objective trials/monitoring before they are changed or added to (not just someone saying oh I had a side effect to that I can't take it when they've had like 2 doses - not saying that happened with you, just giving another example of appropriate procedures not being followed!)

One way to see if something is likely to be solely asthma is to see the impact of the meds given and it sounds like they haven't done this, just added another drug. Like I say, this isn't your fault.

Reflux can also cause asthma-like symptoms so it would be advisable to take that tablet too.

I think for now the best thing to do would be to go for your proper meds routine and do that for a good month or so. Then see how you feel.

If you feel better, keep it up and it would suggest the meds help and there is likely some asthma involved.

If you don't feel better at all then that is the time to go back to your GP.

Do you have a peak flow meter? It would be useful to start monitoring that asap (twice a day, every day) as during the next few weeks that may improve as you take your meds properly. This can also help to show if the meds are working and hence it's likely to be asthma or not. If you feel no better and your peak flow remains unchanged, that's quite substantial info to take back to the GP - if you need to that is. Of course things may greatly improve and then that's more sorted.

This post explains peak flow in more detail:

Hope that helps a bit and I haven't just bombarded you with information! But your plan to have a better meds routine is a good one!

Flowergirl78 profile image

I didn't want to read and run as no one has currently replied. Yes anxiety can make things worse. Anxiety on its own can cause breathing issues and be mistaken for anxiety but also can exacerbate or trigger asthma. Yes you definitely need to keep up a routine with your asthma meds otherwise they won't work properly, and I say this in a non judgemental way as I have done this also! I have been changed to symbicort and also take montelukast and have experienced worsening symptoms after I start to be a bit sporadic with them because I think I am fine and don't really have asthma because I have no symptoms when reality just means it's controlled and then suddenly I have issues because it's no longer controlled and I'm reminded unfortunately I do actually have asthma. I wasn't 100% sure on your question but taking your medication regularly and with a routine is a must. Anxiety will make you focus on your breathing more which is why it's important to get your medication into a routine and regular otherwise its a seesaw effect. Your asthma can be uncontrolled which you then start to notice and then the anxiety starts obsessing over it which in turn can trigger asthma in some.

I am no professional but just from my own experience, keeping up with your meds is important. Once you are taking them regularly and routinely snd still unsure then discuss with your doctor.

Somebody else may have much more knowledgeable information but that's my own experience?

Hope that helps?

ChrissieMons profile image

Your post tells me you know exactly what you need to do, but you are reluctant to do it: take your meds regularly, lose weight and focus your anxiety on helping someone else so you don't obsess about your own issues. I think that if you get proper help with your anxiety and are willing to face your demons, you can have a much happier life. It is your future and you can make it good. Best wishes!

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