Hi. What is your opinion on this? Do you think I have Asthma or something else? π
I'm 19 years old and have been significantly out of breath always, from the age of 6/7. It was not until I was about 15, that I was officially diagnosed with asthma by the gp after I had an asthma attack in the shower (the gp was not convinced I was asthmatic when I went to them at the age of 7).
In terms of family history, my Dad has asthma, yet he claims he has "grown out of it" with age. An aunt of mine also has asthma.
Despite being given medication, which I have been on for almost 5 years now, my asthma is very much not improved. I have visited the GP/asthma nurse a couple of times, yet they cannot believe that I am as out of breath as I say I am (my peak flow is usually good, for someone with asthma, according to them). I am on strong asthma medication, however.
I have been on montelukulast tablets and have had to rely on the use of my purple and blue inhaler for years now. But they do very little. When I stand up, I still get dizzy, I cannot walk up the stairs without feeling like I am going to collapse. Even getting dressed greatly exhausts me. If something falls on the ground and I have to pick it up, I literally near pass out. I wish I were exaggerating. I am of a healthy weight for my height.
Exercise is the absolute worst for me. I can only do standing exercises and after a literal star jump I have to take my blue reliever inhaler. I wish I were being dramatic, but when completing a 10 minute standing home workout (on the days I feel motivated enough to deal with the challenges of exercising ) I have to take my blue inhaler about 100+ times for that one 10 minute video and drink lots of cold water. I also have to keep a stack of tissues beside me so that I can discard of all of the phlegm that gets stuck in my throat (tmi, I know, sorry). I want to exercise and be toned but the thought of having to put up with my breathing depresses me and so I sometimes cannot bring myself to exercise. Brisk walking even makes me extremely out of breath and it has been like this since I was a young girl.
Any time I eat or drink anything I cough so much. I cough anyway all the time, from when I wake up in the morning, until I go to sleep at night. But the coughing gets so much worse when I eat or drink. It's a very chesty cough.
I have been in contact with my gp surgery, but with covid occurring, they are understandably extremely busy and so it is difficult for them to sort me out properly.
I was put in touch with a pharmacist at my GP surgery. He was surprised by my symptoms and said they did not exactly meet classic asthma criteria. He gave me loads of different acid reflux medication to try to see if it would help my coughing at all, but to no avail. He was also surprised to hear that I am yet to have a chest X-ray (I was never offered one) to get a closer look at my chest.
I often hear of people with severe asthma on forums, who have their asthma well controlled and are able to go on daily runs. They only need to use their blue inhaler every now and then whilst running. I feel I am using my blue inhaler an extremely exessive amount of times and I am not exercising nearly as much as people who go for daily jogs, who have seriously bad asthma.
I went to the gym before covid but it was so difficult for me, with my breathing. It was only because of the air conditioner that I could exercise. When I exercise at home I need a fan beside me on full blast and windows need to be open, to aid my breathing. If it is too warm, I get overheated and this makes my breathing even more challenging. This has always confused me greatly, because, while I find it easier to breathe with cold air, online I have seen that asthmatic individuals usually need heat to feel comfortable enough to exercise.
A great aunt of mine has bronchitis and she has had it for a couple of years wonder if I too could have bronchitis or CPD or something similar to asthma that is just not being picked up on? My quality of life is greatly affected. I am exhausted from being out of breath all the time. I have an oxygen device for my finger that I use. My oxygen is slightly lower than other family members of mine, but not by much. This confuses me, because I am so greatly out of breath all the time and I would have expected it to be lower.
Why does my medication help so little and why do my symptoms vary so greatly from "classic textbook asthma." Could it be something else?
All advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my very long question/life story lol π