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Fostair making heart rate increase

Foskr profile image
27 Replies

Hi all,

Just started fostair 100 today - anyone else find that it makes ur heart rate really increase? trying to get to sleep and i can’t becuase of it. on the other hand my lungs feel great already. are there any other steroid inhalers similar to this but without the side affects of being jittery and bad heart rate? Or does this settle down after a few days :/

any help appreciated, was excited to take a step forward to controlling my exercise induced asthma but these things happen!

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Foskr profile image
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27 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

It's a very common side effect of all Combi inhalers (those that contain a steroid and a LABA - a long-acting bronchodilator). It's the LABA element that does it. However, as mentioned on your other post, this side effect should lessen over the weeks that the inhaler embeds and becomes effective. On that post, Elanaolisaid that although she still gets an increased heart rate each dose (having been on it a while), the effect is only short-lived each time. So it's worth persevering with. Some people do find some drug combinations in some inhalers better or worse than others as it's a very personal thing as to what is best for us - but it's really important to try and give a medication the full time to see if it's for you, and certainly more than a single dose or even a week or two. Many people give up as soon as they get side effects which then rules out a potentially good medication to control their asthma 🤷‍♀️.

It's good that it feels better other than the side effect though - again, at this early stage, that will be the LABA bit helping although I think you were on Clenil previously and the steroid in both inhalers is the same so should be like a transfer rather than starting again with regards to the steroid bit.

Not sure what time you do your morning/evening doses.... they should be roughly 12 hours apart (but it doesn't have to be exact). If you're able to do your evening one at say 6-8pm rather than say 10pm or later, that might mean the heart rate increase has settled for going to bed? Sorry if you did that though and that's not helpful! 😅

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to twinkly29

Thank you just weary whether to even take another dose as my heart has been beating fast all night and it’s not nice. I’ll see - thank you for all ur help

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to Foskr

I know it doesn't feel nice but it is just a sensation (in case it helps to tell yourself that). If you don't persevere then you won't actually make progress with asthma control (which is the important and dangerous factor).

If you started antidepressants for example, you would have side effects initially but they are (to the person at the point they are prescribed) a necessary thing to be taking so it just has to be worked through. Similarly, someone needing antibiotics needs them to prevent further illness/get rid of the infection but often people have side effects to them that they just have to deal with.

Maybe it would help to give the nurses at Asthma UK a call? They might be able to reassure you or at least work through symptoms and so on with you?

AUK helpline - 0300 2225800 Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to twinkly29

Thank you so much

twinkly29 profile image

2 other thoughts in case they help ...

- I assume that, as things haven't been controlled and so your inhaler has been changed, you've been having to use your blue inhaler more - maybe not as a sudden thing but more than the ideal amount over time? If so, then the new inhaler only contains a long-acting version of what is in your blue inhaler (and the steroid in both is the same).. so you're not really taking anything much different. The blue inhaler has probably also made your heart race but in smaller amounts at a time so it's not been noticeable.

- I know you're anxious as you mentioned it in your initial post. This is completely understandable but bear in mind that anxiety can also increase heart rate. So, although you can't just turn off the anxiety (oh wouldn't that be good if we could!), it's possible that although the inhaler will increase your heart rate, it's then not feeling like it's going down because then anxiety takes over and kind of continues it. So maybe try some relaxation techniques or distraction techniques, whatever normally works for you?

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to twinkly29

Thank you ever so much - just worried as my mum has heart problems so don’t really wanna put a strain on my heart. i’ll see how i go with it :)

PeakyBlinder50 profile image

I experienced this on Fostair 100 (4 puffs a day) terrible heart racing and tremors and then I was swapped onto Fostair 200/6 1 puff morning and evening. The Long Acting Beta Agonist (LABA) is, I believe, the same strength in both the 100 and 200. My Consultant said I would experience less tremors and heart racing and it worked.

Monkeybuns profile image

I switched to fostair from clenil, and while racing heart bothered me for 7-10 days, I just took my evening dose a bit earlier and found that it didn’t bother me as much. I was taking it right when I went to bed and now I do it about an hour before, which seems to help.

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to Monkeybuns

Did it eventually settle down? x

Monkeybuns profile image
Monkeybuns in reply to Foskr

Yes it only lasted for 7-10 days for me.

Ami40 profile image
Ami40 in reply to Foskr

Hi I had major issues with Fostair due to raising my anxiety issues! Moved to symbicort and had same thing. Do you know if you have asthma or copd? I have been talking a combination inhaler and after discussing with Asthma nurse was advises that it MAY be the LABAs that's casing the issues and if just asthma may not need them and just try the ICS. I'm currently trying the ICS and recording PF to see how it goes! Please note I'm no Dr! And to discuss your own issue with GP/ASTHMA NURSE before trying anything else, Good luck with everything and keep us posted!

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to Ami40

Yeah not been a fan of fostair so far! Heart racing all night definitely not reacted well to it . Think i’m going to try go back to clenil! Think i’m the same the long acting stuff if what’s not nice. - Tyy

Ami40 profile image
Ami40 in reply to Foskr

Yes, I think it's important to know if you need the LABAs, (meaning of it's definitely just asthma or is copd involved) if not needed, then best going for an ICS and see if that works for you, yes you may be the same as me! I just can't hack the LABAs, high HR and major anxiety issues, what Clenil was you on and was there any side effects for you?

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to Ami40

Hi I just have asthma - Had it all my life and it’s mainly exercise induced but since i love exercise & playing football it’s a bit of an issue. I recently wasn’t taking any steroids just my blue one whenever i needed it. Had a flare up probs from no steroids etc and had an asthma review and got put on fostair. Only tried it for a couple of days but couldn’t get on with high heart rate all day & sweating at night & feeling anxious. I used to be on clenil 100 mcg when i was younger but never really consistently took it. Going to ask to try it again :) - hope u find a solution too!

Ami40 profile image
Ami40 in reply to Foskr

I know what u mean mate, it raised my anxiety sky high and started having panic attacks so came off it as it couldn't be any good to go further with it the way I was feeling! How was the Clenil when you took it? Yes hope you find something too, it can be a real nightmare when meds just don't agree! I had Spiriva and my heart was pounding!

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to Ami40

Bad hearts run in my family so fairly weary of anything that’s going to do that again! I can’t really remember clenil tbh I took it for like a month last year but i think i need to try it again and be more consistent. I also think pollen may trigger my asthma as it’s always worse in the summer. Glad i’m not the only one!

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to Foskr

Honestly if you don't take a steroid inhaler every day, twice a day (in the the case of Clenil) even when you feel ok, then it's not going to work when you need it to be working (because they take several weeks to kick in). And you're then at risk of potentially serious attacks (which would not be good for your heart either!)

It is possible that actually you will be well controlled on the Clenil which I know you'd feel happier taking than the Fostair - but I think you need to speak to the nurse or GP - and tell them that you weren't taking it before if they don't already know that. But then make sure you do take it as prescribed and continue to do so. Otherwise you're not going to be controlled.

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to twinkly29

Thank you & yeah consistentcy is key! I never used to do this much sport so i think the increase in that made me realise i need a change! I’ll phone the doctors tomorrow as i’m not particularly keen on trying fostair again. Thank u so much for ur help :)

geordieclaire120573 profile image
geordieclaire120573 in reply to Foskr

I've just had this I know early days but I myself feel awful. Racing heart jitters anxious.. awful headache. Tight chest. I was fine b4 on seritide. I was switched because I've had flare ups due to chronic sinusitis

LeiLey profile image

When I first used Fostair 100/6 I got a bit shaky afterwards but I’ve been on it a few months now and definitely don’t notice this shaky feeling now.

Foskr profile image
Foskr in reply to LeiLey

Thank you - hopefully mine settles. I’m trialling it for a month, i do a lot of exercise so don’t want to distress my heart really.

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to Foskr

Yes I hope it works for you, but if not there’s others you can try. And hopefully you can keep doing your exercises and feel good with your asthma 🤞

B_Asthma profile image

I have used Fostair 100 / 6 & Fostair 2006 / 6 without any side-effects for about 3 years. About a year ago I move to Revlar because I found Fostair being useless with flare-ups.

In summary: yes it dose.

Claire_ALUK profile image
Claire_ALUKPartnerALUKAsthma Nurse

Hi Foskr, I am sorry to hear you are having problems. I don't want you worrying though! Any side effects you should discuss with your GP or pharmacist, but please don't hesitate to have a chat to our nurses on the helpline 0300 2225800 M-F 930-445. Today however the helpline is closed for essential training but we are back to normal tomorrow👍

Flowergirl78 profile image

I had this when I started on fostair. It does settle down after awhile, well it did for me. If you still have issues after giving it a trial then mention to your doctor as sometimes it's trial and error getting the right one but sounds like it could be a side effect.

cappy1966 profile image

took me while to get used to Fostair i had odd dreams , had the shakes etc, eventually got used to it and was fine ......unfortunately i still started having the odd flare ups and was given spiriva as well ........then recentlty i was changed again . Was told to stop taking Fostair and Spiriva and was then put on Trimbow ........Don't know the answer to the original question , apart from you do get used to it and the side affects wear off after a while . They did for me anyway .....

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