Had an awful time over the summer (not unusual for me) after being admitted dr asked for more spirometry,, reversability and a dlco to check for copd.
waited 8 months but went yesterday. LF was massivly normal 104% fev1 but stoll with some reversibility at least 10% but didnt ask after the first blow. And dlco was normal too.
My best peakflow before summer was 450 which is very normal but had dropped to 220 hence being admitted. Had an increase in my mart from symbicort 100/6 to 200/6 which once controlled took my peak to 500. Nurse kept saying how amazed she was thatbi improved on my peak flow after the nebulised ventolin. Just blew at home and its 550 and easily reproduced 😃 should i class this as my new normal. i actually feel so good, have a been a little inflamed this whole time without even realising.
Thanks in advance