I posted before about my atypical asthma, as there are quite a few people with similar symptoms that have also been dismissed I thought I would share my results. Additionally if anyone has any insight, would be interested to hear.
I pad to have a lung function test at a hospital to get some answers and to get something solid next time I am dismissed.
I have inflammation in my small airways and I didn't respond to the salbutamol test. He said it could be I was having a good day or that it's not getting into the small airways. No wonder when it got bad and I took 10 puffs nothing happened.
I found it interesting as it explains a lot. My peak flow doesn't increase that much after taking it until I clear mucus. He explained that it can help with clearing mucus and they prescribe it sometimes for that perpose. A&E doctor said I shouldn't use it to clear mucus. Wrong.
I am not fully emptying my lungs so am mixing fresh and stale air.
He said that I wouldnt feel it sitting down watching tele but would when walking up stairs. Spot on!
I have said I have non weezing asthma but when forced to completely empty my lungs, there was a definite wheeze. So the doctors who checked me for a wheeze and said I was clear weren't factoring the small airways. The way they listen would only show the wheeze if the obstruction was in the bigger airways.
I will learn more after the results are reviewed by a consultant.
I am not sure what the treatment options are if I don't respond to salbutamol. The Symbicort clearly hasnt resolved the inflammation yet.