I only starting suffering with my breathing in Feb 2020. I am 49 - never had asthma before. By the time it was bad enough to phone the GP everything was in lockdown, and I’ve not been to the asthma clinic or physically seen the GP.
So, in August despite being put on inhalers and anti-histamines I was hospitalised for 3 days. After steroids, nebs etc I begged to go home. I was put on Symbicort 200/6 (2 puffs am, and 2 puffs evening. Also take Fexofenadine)
5 weeks ago I felt short of breath slightly with constant cold symptoms - GP again gave steroids and Montelukast. Everything cleared up.
This week I am back to breathless again 🙁 - walking at a semi-fast pace or up/down stairs twice - yesterday I was puffing by the end. Took my peak flow which is 250-280. My peak flow when I finished my steroids was 380.
So, do I need to ask for steroids again? I’m allowed extra puffs on the Symbicort but that’s not helping (some immediate help but not long lasting). I’m just fed up now. Desperately trying to not worry the kids (13 & 16), as I’m a widow so health problems worry them.