We understand that lots of you who are shielding may be feeling really worried about the guidance pausing, and for many it will feel very difficult to go back to work after weeks at home. We wanted to share what the advice is across the UK and where you can find support.
In England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, shielding will be paused after the end of the month. From 1 August onwards, the guidance is to adhere to strict social distancing – like the ‘clinically vulnerable’ group follow. This means you can go into work if you cannot work from home. However, this should only be done if your workplace is ‘COVID-secure’ and you can keep a safe distance from others. Read about what a COVID-secure workplace should look like here hse.gov.uk/coronavirus/work...
In Wales, shielding will be paused from 16 August, and everyone on the list should get a letter to explain this. From this date, you should be able to return to work, but only if you can’t work from home. Your employer should support you to transition back into work safely.
Social distancing remains important so you should keep your distance if you are going out and about, continue with regular hand-washing, and wear a face covering in enclosed public places if you can.
The relaxation and pausing of shielding guidance allows people who have been shielding to see more people, enjoy the summer and be more active. However, shielding is a personal decision and if you have concerns, we’d encourage you to speak to your healthcare professional about what is right for you.
We are working with the government to get more clarity on what to do if you don’t think your workplace is safe. Our website continues to be updated with the latest information asthma.org.uk/advice/trigge...