If you want to claim exemption from wearing a mask is this self certification or do you need to get something from the doctor? I breath through my mouth most of the time as I struggle to get sufficient to get sufficient air when walking around. The one-use disposable mask was immediately wet and my glasses got steamed up too.
How to claim face covering exemption - Asthma Community ...
How to claim face covering exemption
There are downloadable things on here/Asthma UK to print or show on your phone but I assume one can just say "I'm exempt".
At the moment, it’s self-certification. Asthma UK have produced a downloadable badge to print off or keep on your phone (or both):
(Hope that works - first time I’ve tried posting a link on here!)
There are also other face covering options - I used a lightweight scarf for a hospital appointment, and I’m thinking about a visor for when shielding ends. But if you can’t, you can’t - no one actually wants to kill us off.
If you register with Asthma UK they have a card you can print off and use.
It says I am exempt from wearing a face mask, I have breathing problems.
I wear a thin scarf when it's not to hot or if you can get some acetate some double side tape, a bit of elastic a punch or a stapler to fix elastic on and some pvc tape for edges and either a face or a microfiber cloth to use for padding and make your own face shield.
Its covering your face but not restricting as its away from your face.
One more thing carry you blue inhaler and if you can put the chemist label on it and if you got a spare repeat prescription list mark your Asthma meds on it and carry that with you so if you do get stop you've got proof to show them
Hope info is helpful and stay safe and try avoid the covidiots who about.
Shops arent going to question you about it. You dont need any sort of exemption 'proof' unless the police are involved. And again, shops arent going to phone the police because you dont have a mask on.
Have you tried alternates though? A visor? A cloth mask? A scarf?
The government has created a few downloadable/printable options to use if you find the masks trigger off your asthma.