Hi all. Another copy and paste from the Facebook page but hope this helps with some of the anxiety over face masks:
“The government have said that people with asthma who find face coverings make it harder for them to breathe do not need to wear one, but we know lots of you have said that you feel nervous about being stopped or challenged about this on public transport.
To help, we've produced an Asthma UK graphic which you can download from our website and use on your phone, or print out. You could use this to signal to drivers, staff or anyone else that you can't wear a face covering.
Lots of transport providers have also introduced their own schemes to show an exemption such as digital cards and badges, you can find a list of these schemes and download our graphic here 👉 asthma.org.uk/advice/trigge...
Remember: it's only in England and Scotland where face coverings are currently mandatory on public transport. And, if you are comfortable to wear a face covering then you should do so to help prevent the spread of infection.”
Original post; facebook.com/40952091012/po...