I have been adhering to all rules regarding face coverings etc. Due to my asthma, I find that I struggle to breathe regardless of what type of face-covering I use. I have got myself an exemption card from Asthma UK as well as a hidden disability lanyard as I have autism as well which I have cards for that and face-covering exemption. I have had Covid 19 before and know I would potentially risk getting it again through not using a face-covering etc. but wearing one makes breathing a lot harder for me. I also carry my prescription with me as proof if necessary and wonder if that would be adequate and whether to use my exemption or not.
Face covering struggle: I have been... - Asthma Community ...
Face covering struggle

Is it worth trying the plastic face shield. I’ve noticed a lot of people are now using these. That way it isn’t over your mouth and nose. So may feel less invasive.
I'm sure each of those things separately would be ok (the cards, the lanyard and your prescription) but they certainly should be together - I would hope no-one would actually want to see a prescription if you have a lanyard/card but I understand why you'd want to have the proof.
I can't wear a mask either, not even a visor for more than 5 minutes, I can't walk or talk without becoming breathless which triggers an attack that can last 36 hours.I have a lanyard but it is no protection against covid. I was so ill in December 2019, I can only describe the sensation as the feeling of strangulation whilst in the most terrible coughing fit feeling that my heart was going to burst; this happened 2-3 times an hour. Fortunately I had my rescue pack and went on to steroids straight away. I was ill for about 6 weeks but coughing until April 2020. I slept sitting up for all that time.
As a consequence I have been reclusive, staying at home or walking; have only been in a shop once since Christmas;if what I had wasn't covid then I am absolutely terrified of getting it.
Fortunately I had the jab 2 weeks ago so it is less of a worry; my asthma is at last under control, now on Forstair and spiriva; I have a new job working for a pharmacy head quarters where the rules are followed to the word and at last I feel in a good place........still not going out and about though
I know the feeling I've been in the same boat. The face mask anxiety situation is highly frustrating. I was wearing masks (Fppp3) back in spring, before the gov told us to. I found it easier to breathe in them, because they were the proper medical mask type with valve, but in that 3 months that's when I realised I'm allergic to them. I kept experiencing pins and needles and burning sensation in my face and couldn't work out what was causing it. It was very distressing. In the end after going to the Dr and her diagnosing me with perioral dermatitis, I looked into what causes PD and figured out it was my Fostair inhaler that had likely triggered the PD, but that wearing masks had exacerbated the problem and Ied me to come out in a horrible rash (which still hasn't disappeared months later), as well as experiencing the burning sensation. Just as I was going to discontinue wearing them (jul), it was mandated to wear them inside shops. I've tried several face coverings, but now we're not allowed to use the FPPP3 ones, I find it hard to breathe in the cotton types. I've tried cloth with valve, without valve, cycle mask, buff (nearly passed out with a buff, wasn't enough ventilation for me), surgical mask (which I'm highly allergic to) each time I put something on my face I get watery pustules and the burning tingling sensation returns. Added to that I wear glasses so can't see most of the time.
Literally everytime I have to go somewhere I have a whole dilemma about masks, because the combination of not being able to breathe effectively, my face burning and not being able to see, gets to me. I've got an exemption card, but I know that others still look at me with suspicion, especially as I don't look unhealthy.
I've bought some visors, I'm yet to wear them out as I haven't been anywhere since I got them, but tried it inside, they still seem invasive, but at least they don't touch my face, so hopefully won't trigger the pustules/face tingling.
I'd say try a visor and see how you go, but if you're finding it difficult to breath with a mask, you should listen to your body and remember wearing a covering protects others not necessarily yourself.
Plus you don't need to show your prescription, that's your personal health data and would be classed as special category data under GDPR/ Data Protection Act 2018.
Hi I too have problems with wearing a face mask it cases such anxiety to wear one and I have also found it makes my asthma worse the next day.So I just wear the sunflower lanyard for exemption of face coverings.
Don't think about what others say or do just look after yourself you are the priority,face coverings are to protect others not you it's more important you dont have a asthma attack.
Take care and best wishes