Hello, I am really confused and worried. 8 weeks ago got sick with bit of coughing and headache and I self isolate just one week before lockdown. In 5 days a was feeling much better but 2 days after I started with dificulties breathing. It lasted for 8 days and it was better at night but sometimes I couldnt eveb walk. Bcs i didnt have fever in the 111 told me to keep self isolating. After that I went to Emergencies bcs could not breath but they picked me out at 5am when my sintoms where gone so all was normal on x ray and blood test. My GP thought I had allergic rinitis as my nose was swolen and has problem in my throath even swolen as well and medication worked for 2 days but I become breatless again so she told me probably asthma and gave me cheinil twice a say 100mcg and the blue inhiler. It took a bit to work but I was feeling better but I have developped candidas in the mouth that doesnt go away with treatement and I am having more shortness off breath again and I am not sure is asthma or anxiety. I havent have any test bcs lockdonw and I speak with my gp only over the phone. I m confused and scare. I thought with less tree pollen my sintoms will go away but is not happening (I live in the middle of a park, been here 7 years without problems). I dont understand and I dont understand how asthma work... 😔. Sorry for the long post...